Grandma foils purse snatcher


MT Mentor
Bernie Garcia said a young man approached her at a gas station as she was buying fuel for her van and asked for money. When she told him she had spent all her spare change on gas, he tried to grab her purse. "But I had it wrapped around my wrist twice," Garcia said, and he was unable to pull it away. She fought back, spraying his shirt with some gasoline. Both of them kept hold of the purse, and he pulled her to the ground and dragged her a short distance until another man confronted him.

Brave lady. In a world when identity theft can be a real problem, I don't blame her for refusing to give up her purse. Spraying him with gas... now that is an idea.

- Ceicei
Well, if she'd been a smoker she could have really gotten the better of him. Having that purse wrapped twice around the wrist is great for keeping hold of the purse but a very bad idea for self defense. Glad things turned out well for her.
Likewise glad things turned out good for her. I agree that the double wrap around the purse was not a great idea because he could've dislocated her arm pulling on it violently. That he dragged her for a few feet before being confronted doesn't speak highly of him at all.
It does speak highly of the guy who came over and helped the woman out. Kudos to him. :asian:
Yeah spraying gasoline on him... if he doesn't wash it off quick it'll burn/irritate his skin... GOOD!
This is one of those incidents that really brings out my Conservative Caveman side.

This is an 83 year old woman we're talking about here and some bottom-feeding {expletive deleted} not only tried to rob her but when it proved a bit harder than he expected amped up the physical assualt ... if I'd've been the chap who intervened I'd probably be in trouble with the law myself as I'm not sure I could've limited my response to words.
Good for her...but, quite a risk! I would advise in the future:

1.) Give up the purse.
2.) Call the police.
3.) Let many LEOs with guns handle it.

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