Good workout program for strength and speed...


Orange Belt
I want to have a workout program that fits with my martial arts workout and tricking.

So I do NOT want to build huge muscles like a bodybuilder, but small and powerfull muscles.

That would suit best since I'm doing tricking & martial arts.

Is it anyone who knows about a good workout program for strength and speed wich is perfect for a tricker/martial artist???

Thanks for answers:yinyang:
Check out; I suspect that their programs will be exactly what you're looking for.
I found a lot of facts and how to do the exercises and stuff, but I didn't found any specific workout programs or schedule?
Do you know any weapon material? A good work out would to use a length of pipe about the same size as a weapon you train with. Doesn't sound like much, but it works. You could also try looking for Isometrics and Plyometrics.
I found a lot of facts and how to do the exercises and stuff, but I didn't found any specific workout programs or schedule?
Crossfit has several ways to use it; spend some time on their site. Look for the Workout of the Day (WOD) on the main page, and you probably want to consider Getting Started as a place to begin.
ExRx has some great info on plyometrics here, as well as information on lifting techniques. What I like most about these parts of their site are the animations demonstrating the proper technique.

Plyometrics are GREAT to help you develop speed. I cannot vouch for the other information on the site, but the plyo exercises will help you a lot with speed.

For specific workout programs: For strength, ask Mr. Yahoo about 'five by five' (5 x 5) programs. For aerobic/anaerobic endurance, look up interval training, or Tabata intervals.
classic training :
for speed : do the rope jumps (skipping), Bruce Lee said rope jumps are 3 times effective than run. 10 minutes rope jumps = 30 minutes running

for strength...well just do push up , and sit up.

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