Rest In Peace
When teaching I like to emphasise the following points to achieving good technique, particuarly for striking attacks. What are your thoughts?
1. Committed Attack - something real to defend against
2. Body Movement - to get off line of attack
3. Soft Blocks - keep the attacker moving
4. Appropriate Unbalancing - the right unbalancing for the technique
5. Mechanically Correct - correct leverage and direction for locks and throws
6. Economical Use of Strength - too much strength equals poor execution of technique
7. Economical Use of Movement - use the minimum of movement necessary for the technique.
Greg Palmer
Tsutsumi Ryu Ju Jutsu
1. Committed Attack - something real to defend against
2. Body Movement - to get off line of attack
3. Soft Blocks - keep the attacker moving
4. Appropriate Unbalancing - the right unbalancing for the technique
5. Mechanically Correct - correct leverage and direction for locks and throws
6. Economical Use of Strength - too much strength equals poor execution of technique
7. Economical Use of Movement - use the minimum of movement necessary for the technique.
Greg Palmer
Tsutsumi Ryu Ju Jutsu