Good Idea or Just Junk?

That's nice. Maybe someone could fashion one that could be removed easily. Sometimes you work with it, sometimes you do not work with it.
Someone should add an arm on there, "wooden dummy style", as well.

You know, "Look out, here comes the round punch, block or avoid!"
That's nice. Maybe someone could fashion one that could be removed easily. Sometimes you work with it, sometimes you do not work with it.

It said that it takes around 10 seconds to take down.

My only thought is, I thought the heavy bag was to build on your impact force, not as a stand alone 'all around training' peice of equipment. Or, was I wrong?

Although, if I had some money to waste, I might make one of these, I wouldn't buy it, but I might make it. It would probably have atleast one arm on it. Maybe even more. Like, at differnit heights, and of differnit lengths. Maybe even two on one side.