Go Samantha!!!!


Yellow Belt
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, just thought I would share this with you guys cause I wanna brag her up, but my neice, Sam, who has studied Shotokan Karate under Mark Pinner since she was 4 years old...lol, she is 22 now...is going to be trying out for the "Pan Am" games next month! Again, this post has no point or theory or whatever, just wanted to share that with you Shotokan people!
I'm not a Shotokan person, but anyone who has studied MA for that long is definitely dedicated. Good Luck, Samantha!! :partyon:

Sending best wishes and good luck next month. Hopefully we all can see her with the gold medal. :cool: Please keep us posted. Best regards, Steve
Has not gone to try outs yet...soon though, but is still training! Right now she is sporting another black eye from sparring and has two black and blue swollen feet from heavy bag kick work...lol, but she is being paced and they are trying to keep her from peaking till the day of the tryouts...will keep ya posted though...and thanks for all of your support folks.
Wow. Males my attention span seem like a 2 year olds. Good luck to her :)
WAY TO GO SAM!!!! Outstanding!!!
MACaver, she is a 3rd dan....btw, her tryouts are the 16th thru 18th of this month in Chicago...
Mekosho said:
Has not gone to try outs yet...soon though, but is still training! Right now she is sporting another black eye from sparring and has two black and blue swollen feet from heavy bag kick work...lol, but she is being paced and they are trying to keep her from peaking till the day of the tryouts...will keep ya posted though...and thanks for all of your support folks.
Those swollen feet and black eye are signs of pure dedication and determination on making the team. She definately has the heart. I certainly wouldn't question that. BTW, where in Chicago are the tryouts being held? I live about an hour from Chicago and maybe I can make it there if my work schedule allows and cheer her on. If not then please send her all of our best and looking forward to the good news. Best regards, Steve