glenn morris --soke



Personaly, dr. morris was a substantial influence on my early years, and my gravitation towards the bujinkan. I am curious as to whether anyone has studied in his art, the name is escaping me at the moment. For those not sure what I am talking about he has developed his own system and was actualy voted grandmaster of the year for combative arts in the late 90's (he does not claim to be teaching ninjutsu or riding on his relationship with hatsumi he has legitimate experience in many things that are not included in the bujinkan.
I trained with Doc Morris a couple of times back in the late nineties and have corresponded with him very infrequently since then. He was very fun to hang out and train with. His Hoshin ju(tai)jutsu system--from what little I saw--was very similar to SKH's godai-based taijutsu...

As far as I know he is still in good standing with certain bujinkan circles--in fact he was one of several teachers at a recent texas bujinkan seminar.

This is his website:
I also first heard about the Bujinkan through him.

I believe he still teaches seminars and such, but I haven't been in contact in years.
actually dr. morris is not the grandmaster of his own ryu. (non ninjustsu) so he is doing much more than teaching seminars lol. being familiar with his work i'm sure his school is very heavy on energy work and seeking enlightenment. He actually runs a monthly class called hurt then then heal them lol.
i'm confused it does say 'soke' on his website and 'The distance learning program is broken into levels which can be purchased individually as each person progresses through the system. Videos for each level will be available in the near future' always is problematic.


this is one of his instructors but i am confused why the Bujinkan badge?

jlewin said:
or riding on his relationship with hatsumi he has legitimate experience in many things that are not included in the bujinkan.
but why wear the bujinkan badge it gets confusing.
In all fairness to Jay. (The person pictured there) That was probably 7-8 years ago. Jay no longer trains with Glenn and is now a shidoshi who travels regularly to Japan.

In fact if you search there enough you can find me in my old karate stuff doin' "pressure point" nonsense. Whatever. I, like Jay, met Glenn and others in the martial arts world and trained. However when confronted with "The Real Deal" the smart ones join the winning team.

Much like Steve Hayes introduced many people to the Bujinkan through less-than-optimal ways --- people like Glenn have done the same.

But, I digress. My main point is that the stuff on the website is older than dirt. Many of us have grown considerably since then.

Also, a lot of my hair has fallen out.

/steve kovalcik
lol join the club steph, mine hair went south about the same time kids were introduced into my life!! LOL

i think you are being unfair to glenn. he does not biggyback at all on the bujinkan. in fact any time someone is looking for ninjutsu who will swear by the bujinkan and refer them to a local dojo. but he has his own system which i imagine is based very heavily on his experiences seeking enlightenment, and in that area he has a lot to offer so he does.
jlewin said:
i think you are being unfair to glenn. he does not biggyback at all on the bujinkan. in fact any time someone is looking for ninjutsu who will swear by the bujinkan and refer them to a local dojo. but he has his own system which i imagine is based very heavily on his experiences seeking enlightenment, and in that area he has a lot to offer so he does.

I don't think I'm being unfair. I like Glenn. He's a nice guy and fun to hang with. He's got his system, he likes it. I'm not so sure I like the whole "soke" bit. Seems a bit silly, but whatever. It dosen't really matter, his system isn't really a 'physical' system at all. Or, at least, shouldn't be described primarily (and I don't think he would describe it that way either) as such.

Hoshin is really a vehicle for Glenn's particular bent on energy work, kundalini, things like that. Not so much for me, different strokes, eh?

stephen said:
his system isn't really a 'physical' system at all. Or, at least, shouldn't be described primarily (and I don't think he would describe it that way either) as such.

Hoshin is really a vehicle for Glenn's particular bent on energy work, kundalini, things like that. Not so much for me, different strokes, eh?

I think that is pretty much exactly as i had described it to begin with. i don't want this conversation to deteriorate, so let's not let it. Where I felt you were unfair was your comment about people being confronted with the "real deal" (i.e. the bujinkan) the bujinkan is the real deal when it comes to ninjutsu and glenn would be the first to say it, but doc morris has his own deal which is quite real i imagine. Some of the "american fathers" of ninjutsu can be questioned, but i definately do not feel glenn is one of those.

I do see where you are coming from with the soke thing, but he did put the system together himself at least, Van Donk is on the sokeship council under american bujinkan--now there's something to think about. (just to clarify i think RVD is just a fine guy and a fine practitioner but to join a fellowship of gandmaster......i don't think so.
I think Richard is awsome, I'd have to translate all my own books without him!
stephen that's pretty funny, and true. thanks for the info about the escrima, i honestly didn't know---foot in the mouth.