Master Black Belt
I was practicing tanto/knife control and take away techniques in class this morning and my sensei told us to not hand the weapon back to the uke afterwards. To my knowledge he hadn't mentioned us not doing so in the past, but he told the story of (a cop, I think) who recently was in combat and disarmed the criminal and after he took him down, automatically GAVE HIM HIS WEAPON BACK and had to disarm him all over again!!!!
:jaw-dropping: :erg: My sensei said the guy did it without thinking because it has been his habit in training for years (in dojo, gym, or police training--who knows) to give the weapon back once he takes it away.
That sheds new light on something I never thought about. I almost always in class (out of politeness) just hand the practice weapon back to uke. Now we just toss it away, but this morning, out of habit, I kept handing it back like usual. I very much doubt that in a "real" situation, I'd be boneheaded enough to give the weapon back to whoever was attacking me, but I bet this guy didn't think he'd ever do that either.

That sheds new light on something I never thought about. I almost always in class (out of politeness) just hand the practice weapon back to uke. Now we just toss it away, but this morning, out of habit, I kept handing it back like usual. I very much doubt that in a "real" situation, I'd be boneheaded enough to give the weapon back to whoever was attacking me, but I bet this guy didn't think he'd ever do that either.