Giving Back To The Arts


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Lifetime Supporting Member
I've always felt, especially once you reach the higher end of the art(s) you train in, that you should give something back. Many times, there is no physical test for a higher grade, but instead the decision to promote is based on what you have given back to the art.

So...what have you given back? Do you feel that its important to give something back?

While I personally have not conducted any seminars, I've devoted much time to teaching and helping others grow in the art. There have been many times, after a class, if someone was having a hard time with something, had a question, etc., that I spend time with them, answering their questions and doing my best to help them understand what was giving them difficulty. There were times when this would go on for a 1/2 hr. I received no money for this, and I wasn't expecting any either. I did it because I enjoy training, enjoy teaching and want to help others on their MA journey. :)
I've always felt, especially once you reach the higher end of the art(s) you train in, that you should give something back. Many times, there is no physical test for a higher grade, but instead the decision to promote is based on what you have given back to the art.

So...what have you given back? Do you feel that its important to give something back?

Many times while teaching in the police academy I'd run across a cadet or 2 that were really picking up the basics and were bored with it..I'd take the time to show them techniques from other disciplines..If only to instill the need to not this portion of their training stop after graduation...
I guess with me it has been about knowledge and giving back time for the battered women and childern we train. Giving back means more then doing a seminar, to me that is more of self promotion of yourself. What I and my enjoy is going to the shelter and helping and maybe just maybe teach an abuse woman or child a technique that may help them in the future.

I'am not trying to offend anybody here, just I have a diferent view on what we as Martial Artist need to do and how it should be done.
I think that almost anyone who is in these martial systems for a long time eventually gives back by helping those who are just beginning. This is pretty natural and happens easily in a good Training Hall where there is a sence of family!
for me I guess it has been to keep my training hall open while paying 150 - 200 $$ out of my own pocket each month for the last 7 or so years just so those that wanted to study could
Both students and instructors cause the arts to grow. The senior instructors become the leaders and ensure that the arts are passed down.
There are many ways to give back: teaching, encouraging others, introducing martial arts to others, providing opportunities to others that they otherwise wouldn't have had, mentoring, helping your community, and especially; being the one to set the good example.
Without instructors, knowledge cannot be passed on; without students, knowledge still cannot be passed on. Therefore, both are necessary so that an art can live. My sahbum took the time and expended the effort necessary to teach me - therefore, I decided a long time ago that the best way I could give back was to do the same for other students. It's why I started teaching 15 years ago, and why I intend to continue as long as I'm able to do so.
Hello, Just an opinion here....This one believes every Teacher,Sensi,Guru,Professor or Instructor is giving back to the arts...

As role models and leaders, guideing all those who are there in class and those watching their kids training....

Everything we say and do to the students is regarded as "facts" by sharing our life skills....we are giving back....

Many times we have students who do not have money for many things, including Instructors we make many sacrifice by giving alot of stuffs and extra time helping everyone too...

The best part is seeing those students....achieving growth, maturity, and making there lives BETTER! ...and we were a small part of that!

Aloha ( Isn't giving always better! )

PS: It is nice to received a ....???? ................thank-you?
I guess with me it has been about knowledge and giving back time for the battered women and childern we train. Giving back means more then doing a seminar, to me that is more of self promotion of yourself. What I and my enjoy is going to the shelter and helping and maybe just maybe teach an abuse woman or child a technique that may help them in the future.

That is great!
From reading the responses, it seems we all have the same thoughts, helping those who come after us, it's great to see this and it's great to see others giving back to those less fortunate, just great!
I totally agree with what everyone has said and I find none better in giving back to their art than Judoka. I checked out a school around here recently and not only do they charge bugger all, the money they do charge is passed directly back to the students so they have a little extra cash when they go to nationals to help with expenses.

I actually got kicked out of the Kyusho International forum(one of the few times I was booted) for this very argument. Mark Kline asked this question and suggested that making dvds and books, then selling them to your students is giving back. I suggested this was just making money and marketing and that giving the dvd's to your students would be giving back. We got a touch heated and my stay in the forum lasted less than 24 hours.


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