Getting Scoped next Tuesday 1.9.07


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
A lot of you know I have two titanium leg braces that I have to wear. However, I am getting orthoscopic done on the left wheel next week. I have been told that it will be 1 in at least 3-5 more done on the left side alone. I may or may be out of the brace at the conclusion of the surgeries.

The point of next Tues. is to try and seperate and make space so it isn't bone hitting bone. It is wierd though, my kneecap is off track, a fracture on the joint line and bone grinding bone.
Good Luck on your surgery, I hope everything goes well for you.
Good Luck on your surgery, I hope everything goes well for you.

A heartfelt ditto to that, Matt. Take heart, though: orthopaedic surgery is phenomenal these days. The surgeons are doing stuff that seems as though it belongs in the next century or two. I will be thinking of you, with hope and optimism...
Great news, Matt! Hope it goes well for ya.
Heal quickly my friend...
Had both legs broken in my 30's and surgery was required to "nail' me back together..They had me up and walking 2 days afterward..That was 23 years ago..The advances they have since then will have you up in no time..
Matt wishing you the very best, had both knees done a couple of times was up and back to normal as that may sound in no time and so will you
Best of luck to you, Matt, and quick recovery. :asian:
Good thoughts going out to Matt today - getting the surgery today, methinks.
Good thoughts going out to Matt today - getting the surgery today, methinks.

Yup. I hope he's feeling good enough in a day or two to be in the mood to send us an update.

I needed complex surgery on a broken arm about thirty-five years ago, and was in the operating room for two and a half hours or so. After I came out from under the anaesthetic the pain was so bad that Demerol wasn't strong enough, they had to give me shots of morphine every four hours or so, and on top of that I was more nauseous than I ever was before or since. I spent about a week in hospital recovering, but even if I'd been home, it would have been days before I was ready to have contact with other people. Things are much improved now but still, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear from him till the beginning of next next week...
Yup. I hope he's feeling good enough in a day or two to be in the mood to send us an update..I needed complex surgery on a broken arm about thirty-five years ago, and was in the operating room for two and a half hours...

Been there except mine was almost 4 hrs, broke Tib & Fib in both legs and they had to scope me during surgery to insure that "nails" were going in straight..They ahd me up and walking 2 or 3 days later..
Been there except mine was almost 4 hrs, broke Tib & Fib in both legs and they had to scope me during surgery to insure that "nails" were going in straight..

Don't you just hate it when that happens?! :wink1:

I had my elbow bolted together—I needed a second bit of surgery (fortunately under a massive local, not a general anaesthetic that time) to remove a wired that they had used in the first operation to get things tied up neatly. All in all, it was one of the episodes in my life I'd least enjoy go through again if offered the chance. Such a stupid accident, too...

But yours sound still more catastrophic—like something that would happend to a paratrooper whose jump went wrong at the very end.

They ahd me up and walking 2 or 3 days later..

That's fast, for that much damage... that's the good side of orthopaedic surgery, you just go in, bolt everything together and you know it's gonna set OK. The bad part is having to go under general. I know that they've got much better anaesthetics these days and you don't have to wake up feeling horribly sick to your stomach, but I still have a horror of the whole idea...