Get the drunk home

Only have time for one attempt right now, but I went 78 meters. ;)
Uhhhhh, what a great game. I got a 74, but it took about 30 tries. I must be a real lightweight because I suck at this game.
It's a fun game, but I'm just no good at it. Best I can do is around 50 meters. It might be the laptop touch mouse I'm using that messes me up. I wonder how good someone can do while intoxicated? Maybe the drunkeness would cancel eachother out, and the little dude would walk straight? :shrug:
68 meters... was the farthest after ten attempts... oh well... let the guy sleep it off... or at least go back and get his wheelchair. :rolleyes:
40 seconds....I'm gonna go have another glass of sangria and try again... :D

I think we have this in the arcade..if not, I know there is a version for there,,,