

MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Here's a Recepie I found for cheap homemade Gatorade, that can be made, Sugar Free... (If thats your bag) I thought this might be of interest, as i am sure some of you spend lots on gatorade... (Well, Ok, I do)


Sports Drink (Makes 2 quarts)

1 packet, any flavor unsweetened Kool-aid or similar product
8 tblsp sugar (or 10 packets sweetener for a sugar free drink)
3/8 tsp salt (three-eighths)
1/8 tsp salt substitute (contains potassium chloride) (one eighth)
2 quarts water
You won’t believe how close this is to a commercial drink like Gatorade. When I made this for a TV demonstration, the show’s host said it was better because it is not so sweet. Of course you can adjust the sweetness to taste. Sodium is 110 mg and potassium is 38 mg per 8 ounce serving. Cost is about 3.75 cents per 8 oz glass or 30 cents per 2 quarts. Compare that to about $3.00 for 2 quarts Gatorade.
Yeah, thanks. :asian: . I'll definately give it a try and see how it works out.
Originally posted by Seig
Without the vodka.....


Glad I'm not the only one thinking that...

I was going to go with gin and lime Kool-Aid (do they still even make it in lime?).
grain alcohol works better and numbs the pain from a good beating.
Originally posted by pknox
I was going to go with gin...

Ah, another fav. of mine. Gilbey's makes a great gin.

lime Kool-Aid (do they still even make it in lime?).

This I'm not sure of. I don't recall seeing lime kool-aid for quite a while
Good idea on the the only thing my son will drink when he has a fever (which he currently does)!! He's supposed to be drinking pedialyte- but won't touch it so the pediatrician said to try Power or Gator-ades- Will give this a try- thanks!! Seems like a lot of salt there really that much salt in the real thing?

:asian: :karate:
Yes. Without the salt, you're basically drinking flavored water. The salt is designed to replace electrolytes (basically body salts) lost during strenous exercise through sweating. The salt is what makes Gatorade, at least according to the people who make it, a better recovery drink than plain old H2O.
I like Powerade or All Sport better than's too sweet -- except the Watermelon Ice...

one of the -ades when sick really helps. made me feel better when i caught a really bad cold when we went skiing at Snowshoe one year. Dad had to drive up the mountain and back down tho...which is dangerous in a '94 Thunder("Blunder")bird...but i digress
Originally posted by YouAgain
Is that like powerade?

Yes. Some of them taste a bit different, but they're all basically the same...water with some flavoring and salt. Perhaps in different ratios, but the concept is identical.
Gatorade!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

I'd rather go for a 30 mile walk, take off my boots, pour urine in them and drink from ther boot than drink Gatorade.

Disgusting beverage!