Gary Lam 2008 European tour


Green Belt
Gary Lam 2008 European Tour.

Germany. 1-month intensive course covering whole of level 1.
The syllabus consists of:
The 3 hand forms: Sil Lim Tao, Chum Kil, Bilgee;
The complete Mook yan jong form.

Accompanied by attribute development exercises:
1. Double Tan 2. Double Bong 3. Double Quan/Triple Quan 4. One Hand Covers Two 5. Side Lop Sao 6. Seven hands 7. Side Pak Sao 8. Correct and Wrong Bong 9. Pulling Hands 10. Closing 11. Ding, ding & lap 12. Inside-Correct Pak Sao 13. Wrong Inside Pak Sao 14. Twelve Hand Pak Sao

Level 1 Certificate after completion

Most wing chun schools would take many, many years to complete the syllabus above and would see it as near the ending of their learning, however, sifu Gary Lam take the view that it’s essential not to delay\hold-back the forms, since it’s the basics\foundation on which to build on. Hence, learning all the forms early would accelerate your rate of progress much faster.

If you have already completed the forms, let sifu Gary Lam reveal to you the skill set within those forms.

Some people have been saying it’s difficult to make it to the US to train with Gary, now you have the chance to train with Gary on your ‘doorstep’.

Inexpensive accommodation can be provided by Ulrich Stauner– the organizer of the event.

If you can’t take the whole months off, there’s possibility that you can train for 2 weeks instead.

Since sifu Gary Lam will teach each student personally, the group has to be kept small and hence there are only a few places left.

For further information & pricing, you can contact Ulrich Stauner at:
Or, you can contact Choi on +44 (0)7836 600832

September 27\28
2 days seminar at Dachau
Contact Ulrich Stauner at:

UK, Birmingham\London.
First week of October 4\5
Chisau workshop. Sifu Gary Lam will personally chisau with all the participants and give evaluation & recommendation on improvements.
30 pounds per day. Subject to numbers being met.
If you are interested, call Choi on: +44 (0)7836 600832. or
Remember, sifu Gary Lam will only keep this appointment on the condition that there’s enough interest, so book a.s.a.p. All money will be refunded in full should the seminar not go ahead.

Crete, Greece. Mid October.
Contact sifu Evangelos at:

Hope to see some of you guys at one of the meetings
A few people have asked me about the German tour, so I've decided to do a small write-up on my last trip to give them an idea of what Germany was like....

I’ve just got back from a mini tour of Germany with Sifu Gary Lam. Gary was hired to do a series of seminars and private tuitions with his German students. As with all international appointments, we had the chance to explore further this beautiful country. Our starting point was Pforzheim, working our way down to Stuttgart, and finally to Ulm. I’d already been to Stuttgart before, but this was the first time I’d visited Pforzheim. Gary has 3 crazy students based around here, and they each run their own Wing Chun schools. They wanted some ‘private’ time with Gary to improve their wing chun skills, and then to conduct a seminar for their students. We’d only spent 4 days here – 2 days for private lessons and 2 days for the seminar over the weekend before moving on to Ulm. The city of Ulm (I would say it’s more of a large town) is situated between Stuttgart & Munich, is a sleepy picturesque town that wouldn’t be out of place on a postcard. Believe it or not, Ulm is the birthplace of one of the most intelligent men in the world – Albert Einstein.
During our stay, the weather was a mixture of sunshine and rain, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying our time there. We visited the Ulm Minster, which is the tallest church in the world, and we marveled at the architecture of some of the oldest buildings around the city. Life was at a leisurely pace, sipping tea and coffee at the local cafes, and just generally soaking up the ambience of the place. The Germans really know how to cook, so we were easily tempted to try all the excellent food on offer. One of our favorites was the chicken roasted in a large rotating oven (spit?). It was so tender and succulent, we could scoff half of those tender chickens each, together with a freshly baked bread roll. Unlike the UK, the steaks are cooked to perfection, exactly as you like it, and it’s always juicy and tender. Ahhhhh, I can even smell the sizzling homemade sausages that we can buy at the local market as I write!
After lunch, we would casually stroll down to the riverside to help digestion. It had been raining quite heavily during the nights for the past week, so the river Danube was perilously high, and in fact parts of the walkway next to the river had been closed due to flooding. On sunny days, you can see a ray of golden light on the surface of the water, radiating a feeling of calm and tranquility, but below we knew the water was flowing with rapid speed and power. Being surrounded by so much water, this ‘peninsular’ was the stage for Gary’s daily wing chun show. As always, Gary would take centre stage whilst Kamel and I would be the extras. We would take turns to play the sacrificial lamb, by ‘attacking’ Gary and, in turn, Gary would display ‘perfect’ wing chun on us. Unlike most wing chun practitioners, Gary can make use of all the ‘tools’ in his wing chun box. Tan dar, bong lap, fook, wu, pull, push, kwan, pak, gan, huen, retain, jum, jut, etc., etc. He would ‘propel’ us into any direction he wanted to or he would simply ‘control’ our every action by closing all our options before we even had the chance to initiate it. Whenever Gary performs, there’s always a large audience in attendance. Tourists, joggers, cyclists, passers by down the river side would all stop to see what this big, funny man was doing. Some would be shocked by the ‘seemingly’ violence enacted, but most were amazed or bemused watching him display his kung fu skills. I can only imagine what some of the onlookers were thinking, seeing a white-haired Chinaman and a lanky German being ‘thrown’ around like rag dolls by Gary. It was so much like those old ‘slapstick’, black and white movies by Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton! Regardless, they had a free show and a good laugh at our expense.
You know, I’d interviewed Gary almost 2 years ago and Gary said he was still improving. I found this hard to believe because he was already so good and because of his age….but true to his words, he has indeed improved. His sensitivity has heightened, so now his hand speed and reaction is far faster, flowing from technique to technique!
Watching Gary apply wing chun is like watching the pros play snooker on TV, or the champions play tennis at Wimbledon – he makes it look so easy!
Germany is quite a big country compared to tiny UK, but I’m amazed at the percentage of the population that’s interested in martial arts – not just wing chun, but all martial arts in general. The Germans really take their learning seriously, and they are very embracing of different cultures, and in my experience, this is how they approach life in general: heart, dedication, ‘clinical thoroughness’, precision, pride. One only needs to look at Mercedes, BMW, Audi for proof of this. In nearly all the cities and towns across Germany, martial art clubs are dotted throughout, and they don’t spare any expense bringing in the ‘names’ to teach them properly. I think this is why Gary couldn’t go any where without being recognized! Whether we were in Munich, Stuttgart, Ulm, or the smaller German towns, people would come up to Gary and say, ‘you are Gary Lam?’ I think Gary is the main wing chun movie star in Germany!
One aspect which I enjoy the most about going abroad is meeting up with my fellow gungfu brother and sisters and other wing chun fanatics. It’s a joy and inspiration to see how much they have improved. I have so much to thank wing chun for giving me the chance to travel the world and meet so many like-minded people. Every time I travel, I meet new friends, and it’s always exciting to share and exchange training ideas. More importantly, I meet people not only from WSL’s lineage, but from many different wing chun backgrounds, which aids me greatly in providing different perspective and energies on which to work on. Ultimately though, I’m here to learn from Sifu Lam, to ‘soak’ up some greatness from this ‘modern day’ wing chun genius, to spend time with him in order to absorb some of the encyclopedic knowledge inside his mind, and to work-out what makes him ‘tick’. As always, I’m never disappointed and I leave that little bit wiser.
Every time I join Gary in Germany, I’m a little bit sad when its time to leave. The food is so nice, the beer is so good, and the people are so friendly. Oh well, all good things must come to an end!

I will be attending the September tour, so I hope to see some of you guys there. Octoberfest, here I come!

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