Games for Martial Artist



Hey would like any new ideas for games that any of you might use to keep your kids interested in class, here are some we do.

Sensei says. Same as simon says except we use Sensei and we do kicks punches and tech. Used to build attention skills and practice tech and reaction times.

Throwing tennis balls at the students faster and harder the higher the rank. Used to build awareness and reaction times.

Relay races using kicks and stances. Used to build commaradery and practice tech.

We use these games to keep it enjoyable and keep a longer retention span for students and any new ideas would be much appreciated.

P.S. we dont just play games every class it is usally just one class every couple weeks for the kids.
Shurikan said: Sensei says. Same as simon says except we use Sensei and we do kicks punches and tech. Used to build attention skills and practice tech and reaction times.

My little guys just love that game.

We also do a variation of Statues. When you have to stop, it must be in some sort of stance. You should see what they come up with... KT
TKD baseball the kids has to use a roundhouse to kick the ball instead of a bat and they love crab soccer that when you are on your back using your arms and legs to kick the ball into the net, they also like paddle ball using the kicking paddles... GOD BLESS AMERICA
We use balloons. The kids have to use a front ball kick to get the balloons over a low pole between them. KT
ok, this a good one for a warm up, and for sparring, helps out your reaction rate a bit and its fun.

you can have it from 3 people up to about 10. more people you have, longer the rest.

its called Head-Shoulders-Toes.

it starts with everyone in a circle and one person in the middle.
they pick one of the people to begin with in the circle (and then you just go clockwise/counterclockwise around the circle) the 2 people go against each other have to either touch the other persons top of head, shoulders, or toes. with their hand or foot. whoever touches first stays in the middle (or switches places with the person in the middle so they are now in the middle) and continue around the circle. the point is to stay in the middle.
its FUN! :partyon:
TKD tag. You have 1 kid it, and that kid has to kick everyone else before 1 minute, or whatever fits, is up. also, everyone has to have there hands behind their backs.

Great for balance and learning to kick on the move.
I got some good stuff out of that - Thanks
Zepp said:
We did a variation of this in a Capoeira class I tried out once. This type of thing can be a useful exercise for adults too.
We do games also with our kids and adults in our capoeira class. They sometimes involve the history of capoeira; a fun way to learn and a great warmup.