Game of Thrones Disappointment


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, England
I just watched the Thronecast interview with Rose Lesley, who plays the Wildling warrior Ygritte ... I am so dismayed to hear that wussy Southern nancy-girl accent! And too skinny too!

I want my wild, Northern, fur-clad lass back! As the interviewer said at the end, when he had her show off her character accent again, "Nought to sexy in zero seconds" :lol:.

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I just watched the Thronecast interview with Rose Lesley, who plays the Wildling warrior Ygritte ... I am so dismayed to here that wussy Southern nancy-girl accent! And too skinny too!

I want my wild, Northern, fur-clad lass back! As the interviewer said at the end, when he had her show off her character accent again, "Nought to sexy in zero seconds" :lol:.


When I clicked it...

"We're sorry, this video can only be viewed from within the UK and Ireland."

Fail. Epic size fail.
Boooo! I shall see if I can find a way around that ...
How about this?

:grins: Nothing coarse about your ears my friend :). I am a Midlander and so, like my kinfolk the Northerners, I am honour bound to scorn the ways of the Shandy Drinking Southern Poofters. Especially when you have a Scottish lass who has had her natural accent Borged into neutrality by Nancified Acting Classes :lol:.
:grins: Nothing coarse about your ears my friend :). I am a Midlander and so, like my kinfolk the Northerners, I am honour bound to scorn the ways of the Shandy Drinking Southern Poofters. Especially when you have a Scottish lass who has had her natural accent Borged into neutrality by Nancified Acting Classes :lol:.

Let's have a pint together, then you can tell me how you really feel! :)
:chuckles: Welcome to the North-South Divide, British stylee :).

Tez is a quandary by the way as she is an Essex Girl who is now a Yorkshire Lass ... bzzzt ... bzzzt ... does not compute ... stereotype prejudice will not resolve ... bzzt :D
She has not so far ... and, showing my age, I hope she does not. I still can't believe that the words came out my mouth but I have complained before about the excess of nudity and plot-unnecessary fornication in the series :eek:.
:chuckles: Welcome to the North-South Divide, British stylee :).

Tez is a quandary by the way as she is an Essex Girl who is now a Yorkshire Lass ... bzzzt ... bzzzt ... does not compute ... stereotype prejudice will not resolve ... bzzt :D

Speaking of Tez, the lass is MIA...or AWOL!
(and smack me now, I called her lass....)
Speaking of Tez, the lass is MIA...or AWOL!
(and smack me now, I called her lass....)
I was thinking the same thing, although at no point did the term "lass" cross my mind. :)

Regarding the rest, I'm not a prude or anything, but I do wish the shows were a little less graphic (both violence and nudity). I really like the stories, but they're way too graphic for my kids to watch, and my non-family time is pretty limited.
Tez is still active on Facebook, Gran - I think she has just had enough of MT for now.
Tez is still active on Facebook, Gran - I think she has just had enough of MT for now.

Well hope she's doing well, noticed her absence too.

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As it would seem that my trans-Atlantic friends don't have access to the Thronecast interviews, here's one for the beautiful Sophie Turner ... she is going to be so lovely in a few years time when the teenage 'gawkiness' wears off. The way her mouth is always tuned up bodes well for her disposition (it's usually the sign of a noce person). I think she (sort of) reminds me of a young, red-headed, Caroline Aherne :).


Interview with Joe Dempsie, who plays Gendry:
