FYI, the police in the UK are closing in a karate-instructor killer...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Happening now. I've been following the story for a few days while this character roamed around the UK...

At the moment, it appears he has a shotgun under his own chin while the police negotiate with him. He openly admitted shooting and killing the karate instructor, and he also shot a police officer and his ex-girlfriend. I don't care if he blows his head into confetti, in fact I think it would be rather nice if he did so.

Mr Brown was well-known and well liked in the Windsor and Slough areas. He worked as a skilled karate instructor at a company called GKR Karate for more than seven years and also did stints at Butlins holiday camps.
I don't care if he blows his head into confetti, in fact I think it would be rather nice if he did so.
For some reason this made me smile.

I'm guessing the motive behind this shooting is a guy who is mad at his ex-g/f.... -sigh-

I hate these types of scenarios. Why ruin someone's life because they decided not to chose you. Obviously he became an ex for a reason.
I agree with Bill on this one.
I would not mind if he shot himself.
The dead man was a TKD instructor not a karate one. The killer is a steroid freak who was in prison for assaulting a child.
The Newcastle newspaper phoned my instructor for an interview about the killers 'cage fighting career' on Pride and Glory our fight promotion, the answer was to go away in short sharp jerky movements, as this man has never been a 'cage fighter' nor has he ever been a fighter, he may well have come to the shows but while my instructor, a head doorman in Newcastle, has heard of this man he doesn't know him and has never employed him either. He did however know the dead man.
The ex gf, who was shot herself told this man she was going out with a policeman hence the shooting of the policeman.
WE had visions of the guy with the shotgun to his throat ( as described on BBC) shouting that he would kill himself and the police going 'yeah whatever'
Too close to home all the same.
The guy hasn't roamed around the UK at all btw, he's not gone far from where he lived, he has a network of friends who are helping him. It was an RAF Tornedo jet for RAF Leeming just down the road that found him with heat seeking cameras. The area he's in is a huge wildrness, very difficult to seach.The police have handled this vry well, they brought the armed lot up from London to help and have carefully pinned him down, they have all night and day, they don't have to be in a hurry but getting him out alive to face charges would be the optimum result.
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The Newcastle newspaper phoned my instructor for an interview about the killers 'cage fighting career' on Pride and Glory our fight promotion, the answer was to go away in short sharp jerky movements

That's awesome and I'm stealing it.

The police have handled this very well, they brought the armed lot up from London to help and have carefully pinned him down, they have all night and day, they don't have to be in a hurry but getting him out alive to face charges would be the optimum result.

A noble gesture, but, I think, wasted on the lifeform in question.
That's awesome and I'm stealing it.

It's a squaddyism lol!

A noble gesture, but, I think, wasted on the lifeform in question.

It wasn't out of concern for him but to stop him being made a 'hero' or a martyr even. His circle of mates and followers regard the police as fair game as it is, there's an underclass in most cities, Newcastle is no exception where the 'hard' men rule their little empires. He was part of this and the police don't want more trouble or even a riot!

When you've got idiots like this too (Gazza was arrested two mile away from me the other week, drunk and abuse in a motorway cafe)
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Further to what I was saying, his mates have set up a Facebook page commemorating him, anyone posting up anything against him is met by threats.
However now he's dead the truth of what his actual character was is coming out.
From Mail on Sunday

"Friends of Raoul Moat set up a Facebook page in his memory yesterday, apparently lauding him as a modern-day hero.
On it, they posted tributes to the killer. One read: ‘RIP Raoul ur a legend! never be forgotten. Wot a waste of life RIPXXX.’
Another added: ‘A man that lost everything. Just feel so sorry for him in the end.’

One post on the site asking ‘If he’s such a good person as you all have said, why would he shoot people? Why would he threaten the public and the police?’ prompted the threat: ‘You wana watch your mouth ya little maggot this page is for condolences."

"Meanwhile, a shrine in his remembrance was set up outside MoatÂ’s house in Newcastle.
A white candle burned on the doorstep, while a pillar was inscribed ‘In Loving Memory’ with a further note taped underneath proclaiming: ‘God have mercy on you son, RIP.’
Flowers were also laid at his home with messages of condolence.
One read: ‘Dear Raoul, may you rest in peace. Our thoughts are with you and your close friends. We were on your side even though we didn’t know you that well. RIP Kelly S. and Derek H. Our thoughts are with your children xx.’
Another message read: ‘We remember the old times, from Moz and Claire xxxxx.’
Another acquaintance wrote: ‘Always a good friend, always here to help a mate, hope now youÂ’ve found peace .  .  . but never forgotten.Â’
Passers-by stopped to read the tributes and four bouquets of flowers were laid on the pavement.
Moat's home has also become a target for scavengers looking for souvenirs of the incident.

Neighbours reported seeing the dead man's garden being looted of a wooden garden bench, toys and other items as the stand-off unfolded 30 miles away.
One man said: 'People were just stripping the place - it looked like they wanted keepsakes or something.''
Tried to reduce size of print but it wouldn't do it , still makes it easy to read lol!
Hmm. Wasn't aware of the close knittedness of undesirables there, but I suppose given the close knittedness of small British villages in general, if that's where they're from it only makes sense it would carry over.

Well, the lifeform in question appears to have ended the quandary himself anyway.
Hmm. Wasn't aware of the close knittedness of undesirables there, but I suppose given the close knittedness of small British villages in general, if that's where they're from it only makes sense it would carry over.

Well, the lifeform in question appears to have ended the quandary himself anyway.

I'm sorry to see the way this is being treated in the UK in general. He was apparently tased twice - and now there is a 'public outcry' that he was hit with the taser at all. Oh, poor poor murderer, hit with a taser by the awful police.

The police apparently, after consulting psychiatrists and mental health counselors, asked for a voluntary news blackout on any stories about his family or personal life, since he (the suspect) had sent a tape to the police describing how upset he was over the news story that his own mother had said in an interview that he would be 'better off dead'. They were concerned, they said, not just with the safety of the public, but with his personal mental health as well, they wanted to get him the 'help he needed'. He found the help he needed, and used it. One correct decision in a lifetime of bad ones, IMHO.

The public also apparently has its tailfeathers in a knot over how the police failed to take action when he was about to be released from prison and issued threats against his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend, whom she had told him was a police officer (he was a MA instructor, not a cop). Yes, I understand that when credible threats are issued, the police should take action if they're aware of them, but unless and until he acts on them, there's not that much they can do. If they're culpable here, I can understand some of the outrage, but it seems like a lot of it is directed, again, at how the police failed poor poor Raoul Moat, nothing about his victims.

And then there is the public outrage over his ex-girlfriend, shot up and in hospital for having lied to Moat and told him her new boyfriend was a cop. Yes, let's blame the murder and attempted murder of herself and an actual policeman on her, she was the one who forced him to go on a shooting spree.

Of course, it now appears that Moat had previously been locked up for attempted murder and a variety of other violent crimes, a real life spent in service to his community I might say. Obviously, everything that he did was somebody else's fault.

Not really my problem - this is the UK after all, not the USA. But sadly, we see it here too; just a bit more toned down. Very typical to make excuses for the criminal, though. Poor poor Moat. Well, bollocks. Moat did the world a favor when he left it. Should have done it sooner. Sorry if that breaks people's hearts.
Hmm. Wasn't aware of the close knittedness of undesirables there, but I suppose given the close knittedness of small British villages in general, if that's where they're from it only makes sense it would carry over.

Well, the lifeform in question appears to have ended the quandary himself anyway.

He's not from a small village he's from Newcastle and at risk of offending the folks there ( sorry dosk!) there is some very hard people in that city, there are people that no-one but no-one upsets, they can find you and kill you as easily as buying a morning newspaper. There's rarely a week doesn't go by without murders. I'm not surprised about the 'support' for him, I knew why the police were anxious to take him in alive, even though tbh I'm sure they were rather he wasn't!

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