Funakoshi... Thoughts, stories or musings...?

Milt G.

Purple Belt

Anyone have any thoughts, stories or musings about Gichin Funakoshi? Certainly one of the true "fathers of Karate", as it were.

And his son... Is he still active with the art, or training?

Who is/are the Shotokan "senior(s)" these days? I have been out of the loop for quite some time.

Thank you,
Milt G.
And his son... Is he still active with the art, or training?

Gigo Funakoshi (his son), passed away over 60 years ago. Gichin Funakoshi had a distant cousin, Yoshio. Yoshio had a grandson, Kenneth, who is quite active in the martial arts these days.

Who is/are the Shotokan "senior(s)" these days? I have been out of the loop for quite some time.

It depends on which faction you're looking at. I'm not entirely sure of the situation in Japan, but in the USA:

The largest Shotokan faction today, the SKIF, is headed by Hirokazu Kanazawa, a 10th dan. Kanazawa Shihan is still quite active, even though he's getting close to 80.

The JKA still exists, even though several have broken away. Mikami Sensei is one of the seniors who stuck with the JKA, and is doing quite well these days.

Okazaki Sensei left the JKA when the ISKF broke away a couple years ago. He now heads the ISKF.
Gigo Funakoshi (his son), passed away over 60 years ago. Gichin Funakoshi had a distant cousin, Yoshio. Yoshio had a grandson, Kenneth, who is quite active in the martial arts these days.

It depends on which faction you're looking at. I'm not entirely sure of the situation in Japan, but in the USA:

The largest Shotokan faction today, the SKIF, is headed by Hirokazu Kanazawa, a 10th dan. Kanazawa Shihan is still quite active, even though he's getting close to 80.

The JKA still exists, even though several have broken away. Mikami Sensei is one of the seniors who stuck with the JKA, and is doing quite well these days.

Okazaki Sensei left the JKA when the ISKF broke away a couple years ago. He now heads the ISKF.

Thank you for your reply and clarification. I was thinking of Kenneth Funakoshi. :) Sadly, I think of Gichin being more recent in history. Perhaps I was thinking of Ueshiba's timeline?

Kanazawa has been around quite awhile. Glad to hear he remains active. How long has the SKIF been around? Were not many of the old timers JKA in the past? Okazaki too, has been at it awhile. He must be about 70, right? Glad to hear he is still active as well.

Although, I am basically a Kenpo guy, I do get out a bit and visit other schools and styles. I think we have a JKF around here? (Northern Oregon) Japan Karate Federation. Perhaps Shito-Ryu and not Shotokan, though? Junki Yoshita, and his son run it I think? You may have heard of him by the "sauces" he markets? Seems like a good group of people, and Karateka around. Nice that the seniors are still mostly involved and it has not splintered into dozens of groups as has Kenpo.

Was there a dominant reason for the splits in Shotokan? Hopefully it was not politics, ego and money as is the case so often these days. In any case it is always nice to witness good, solid, Japanese karate!

Thanks, again...
Milt G.

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