Full Contact Choy Lay Fut


Green Belt
Do any of the Choy Lay Fut practioners here compete in full contact of any sort? I know CLF is known for it's fighters doing well in San Shou and Muay Thai. Even some back in the day fighting in Thailand and Cambodia.
Me personally, I don't compete. I don't see the need or reason.

Sparring however at my sifu's school is about 50 - 75% go. CLF when performed properly doesn't lend itself to point sparring (it becomes kickboxing & bad karate) and you can't go full out all the time since you'll run out of training partners.

So we mitigate the amount of force behind the techniques, but the techniques are delivered will full intention & body mechanics.
I'd like to, but it's still a ways off for me, as I'm STILL recovering from a knee injury while sparring from last year and more recently a twisted ankle that happened in class. Terrible performance.

My senior classmates are all into San Shou, though. I'll probably do the same thing, along with Sport MMA, since I have some grappling (no not chin-na, I'm TERRIBLE at chin-na).
I'd like to, but it's still a ways off for me, as I'm STILL recovering from a knee injury while sparring from last year and more recently a twisted ankle that happened in class. Terrible performance.

My senior classmates are all into San Shou, though. I'll probably do the same thing, along with Sport MMA, since I have some grappling (no not chin-na, I'm TERRIBLE at chin-na).

Think big but do it small... that'll help... :-)
Hope you recover fast Beknar, knee injuries are nagging. But dont be to hard on yourself man, all any of us can do is try to get in better shape so when they do occur, we are able to bounce back.

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