Master Black Belt
Okay this is something my brother said to me who trains mma and we meet up time to time and train and he commented about a move I use the uppercut off my front hand about how it's unusual and not seen it often. I also remember when I posted a video on here someone said the same thing. I've never even thought about it. I've always used the front hand uppercut. I know it's not got as much power as the back but similar to a jab it's a good set up I like to throw a jab cross then uppercut off the front. Or sometimes when I'm in a standard guard position I'll throw the front hand uppercut to the face similar to a jab but the uppercut motion and go under instead of straight.
Is it really that uncommon I mean I've never even thought about it but I've had a few comments about it but I've used it effectively before just want some opinions.
Is it really that uncommon I mean I've never even thought about it but I've had a few comments about it but I've used it effectively before just want some opinions.