Front hand uppercut


Master Black Belt
Okay this is something my brother said to me who trains mma and we meet up time to time and train and he commented about a move I use the uppercut off my front hand about how it's unusual and not seen it often. I also remember when I posted a video on here someone said the same thing. I've never even thought about it. I've always used the front hand uppercut. I know it's not got as much power as the back but similar to a jab it's a good set up I like to throw a jab cross then uppercut off the front. Or sometimes when I'm in a standard guard position I'll throw the front hand uppercut to the face similar to a jab but the uppercut motion and go under instead of straight.

Is it really that uncommon I mean I've never even thought about it but I've had a few comments about it but I've used it effectively before just want some opinions.
A lead hand uppercut should be in any boxer's repertoire, as in they all know how to do it. Uppercuts in general are not used as much as jabs, cross or hook punches.
I use uppercuts from both hands. I'm also short though, so that might have something to do with it.
Consider there is no such punch as an upper cut, You are actually just coming out of a closed kneel to a neutral, and an armless man would get the same effect using just his shoulder. o_O
Jow Ga Kung Fu has and uses both Rear hand and Lead hand upper cuts. Both are equally power, the difference between the two is that how the power is generated. The power for the lead hand uppercut also doesn't target the same areas as the rear hand upper cut.
In our karate they are Agezuki and are used off both front and back hand in left or right fighting stance. We're taught that they should be done as if your fist is going straight through to the top of the head from the chin, usually an 'ouch' strike lol.