Forum Upgrade Rant, sorta.....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Been upgrading forums the last 9 hours. Still have 4-6 more hrs to go. 2 forums. First one was only 3 hrs. This's going kicking n screaming.

back up db
back up again
import both dbs to test they are valid.
upload 3.84 software
backup db again
test db backup again
upload 4.01
restore db
restore db
upgrade. get past crash point.

now crossing fingers.

Those are the easy 2. KT is next this week. Next weekend, it's FMAT & MT's turns. MT....will take a day or 2 it seems. I'm....excited.

Aww, you're working so hard! You remind me of one of the little dwarves in Rammstein's "Sonne" video.

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This is why most companies HIRE IT people! You do it for fun.....

I think that could be ruled mental instability. The little $$ you get for this is not enough.

Plus, if you weren't getting some money for it, you'd probably have to be locked up by now....
At work, we refer to the various upgrades as "downgrades" for all the unintended consequences they result in the next day. Even in the cyber world, every action has a reaction......

You know, the last time you did something with that Dead Parrot you wiped out one of the few worthy threads I ever started here..... I am not that inspired, so please be careful...:fart:
Well, lost 10 add ins, and everythings in a different place now, and the old skin wasn't compatible, and.... well, you get the picture.

For those panicking..... rep system seems intact. So does the thanks feature. Most of the stuff that I lost we either don't run here, or it's mod stuff and well...we'll deal.

I expect that both the Arcade and Casino will not survive the upgrade until compatible versions turn up.

For a peek, hit the dead parrot.

When I upgrade MT...expect a day or 3 of downtime. I'm just warning folks. This is a pain in the *** upgrade and it beats the **** out of the server.

2 hrs left to go repairing and patching the DP, but it's live again.
Bob, no matter what you do, it will never be good enough for us.

I once come up with a worthy thread and you destroyed it.... I hope you can sleep at night.
I sleep quite well at night, except when the cats walk on me, my bones ache, or my phone rings. The wine helps a lot, the mead doubly so. :D
When I upgrade MT...expect a day or 3 of downtime. I'm just warning folks. This is a pain in the *** upgrade and it beats the **** out of the server.

What are we supposed to do during that time? Go outside in the sunlight? Talk to our families?
To the store to ship the nice admin much liquid refreshment to keep his strength up during the hard battle ahead? ;)
So what your saying is that we should back up everything we post for the next week so we don't loose it all like last time... aren't users fun :uhyeah:

Just kidding Bob I know server upgrades can be a bear all I can say is I'm glad it is you and not me.
Last time I had 3 backups that I thought were fine. They weren't.
Part of the reason for how long this is expected to take is that I have to dump a 2GB database twice, then do a test restore to both to ensure that -both- backups are completely intact before I do anything.

I have to upgrade to the last version of the 3.x line before I attempt moving to 4.x.

So, it's 2 backups, 2 tests, upgrade. 2 more backups, 2 more tests, upgrade. This servers also got a slower processor (dual instead of quad core) so will take longer. If the upgrade barfs, well, add a restore and a reupload to the mix, about 1-2 hrs.

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