For Any MMO Players Amongst Us

LOL, have not heard of it before....(or if I wouldn't tell, like I NEVER watched Southpark 'Mark Love not Warcraft, EVER, nuh-uh)
Interesting. The redhead from Dr. Horrible, it is nice to see her again. Anyone know much about this show?

Thanks Sukerkin, this is an interesting find, looks like it has a lot of potential, when I have more time.
Don't forget The Guild Music Video - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar
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LOL, with a 5 minute commercial for FF...I watch all of it no, wait, I didn't say that....
Oh my word! :lol:.

Excuse me, I just have to go log-in ... :angel:
A little sideways step in that fortuitous way that link surfing has:

Interesting. The redhead from Dr. Horrible, it is nice to see her again. Anyone know much about this show?

Yeah, she got the Gig in Dr Horrible because of the Guild. It was pretty funny, even from someone who doesnt play any MMOs.