Football? Pah!


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, England
Given all the hoo-ha that is going on about the World Cup at present, I thought I'd take a moment to show my fellows here at MT what I consider to be a sport:

I admit to having something of a soft-spot for Sabine Schmidt :eek:. A driver that good who also looks good too is a rare thing :D.
You're just upset about this:

:lol: You don't know how wrong you are on that ... er ... score :D.

Along with religion, I rebelled against football at quite an early age :).
You're just upset about this:


They shouldn't hang their heads over this as England has come a long way in the last 60 years. In 1950 they couldn't beat a not so good American team in the World Cup. This year they managed to tie a much better American team. It's good to see the improvement over the years with regards to English football.

I was wondering when a World Cup thread would pop up. I'm a lifelong football fan, it's like religion in my family. This year my pick is Germany, but I'm watching Spain, Argentina, USA and of course England. I've thus far managed to watch every game.
Isn't it called soccer in English?

Sadly, soccer is the official Belgian religion, and 'men' are expected to watch said boring game. I am one of the minority who could not care less about it.
That said, when it comes to international tournaments, we can't hold a candle to the Dutch, who get into an 'orange' frenzy. Everything is painted orange: houses, beer, mayonnaise, people, animals ...