Footbal and my son's


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
My two youngest age 8 and 9 wanted to play footbal so I signed them up and a week has gone by so far the 8 year has roundhouse a kid for hitting him in the back of the head and my 9 year old leg sweeped the runner coming though the hole. This is going to be a lond 13 weeks.

My childern have never done anything but MA so they don't understand not leg sweeping or not kicking, the kick wa'nt meant to hurt anybody but he thuoght the kids was actually hitting him in the head instead of tapping and saying good job.

Caleb said dad why does that kid keep hitting me in the butt everytime I tackle somebody, I had to explain he is just saying good job and then he said well why does he not just say it instead of hitting my butt.

Kids are wonderful when trying new things for the first time.

Just get your son to give the butt slapper a "cup check" next time. Hey, he has his way of saying good job, you have yours. :)
That is so funny man. Holy crap that is funny.
More reasons for them to supplement their striking arts training with Jiu Jitsu! :)
My oldest wants to play Basketball for the middle school, I can see it now someone jumps for the rebound and he kicks them in the face.
I had a TKD student who also took basketball - he got knocked down a lot, and those rolling skills really came in handy, he said.
Kacey said:
I had a TKD student who also took basketball - he got knocked down a lot, and those rolling skills really came in handy, he said.
That is how I see it as well.

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