Food Ads... or Why doesn't my burger look as good as it did on TV?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Because you're being scammed into buying one ya sucker!! :)

check out this food makeup artist's tricks of the trade...


Yummy... raw hamburger, glued sesame seeds, skewered veggies and just a touch of mustard and ketchup... yum-meee!
I worked at Burger King and Jack in the Box during high school and I always went out of my way to do what they considered to be the perfect build for their products. I know that most people didn't though and to this day, I don't like fast food just because I know I could do a better job making it.

This is what happens when perfectionists make Whoppers.

But yeah, even when I did a perfect job, they were still microwaved crap that looked nothing like the picture.
Recall Michael Douglas' complaints about this subject in the movie Falling Down...

GREAT move.

Food makeup art has been around for a long time. I didn't watch the video because I'm familiar with the practice, but I recall some of the reason this was done (besides making it look as tasty as possible) was because of heat from the lights and the food needing to stay out for a long time for photos and filming commercials.
You know, they make an amazing looking (and tasting) burger at The Cheescake Factory :) It's not fast food, but it is as good as it looks, and vice versa
I especially like the pinch-fingered way the actors hold the burger in the commercial in order to make it look bigger. That's a nice touch.
If you want a real burger, go to a diner. In fact, if you want fast food that's actually better than the quality of that garbage a diner is the best place to go.
Next you're going to tell me that drinking Bud Light won't make a man athletic and attract hot chicks!
Hello, Food make up artist? ....neat job to have, off course the taster's is one step ahead!

Frying "Liver" tonight? can I make it beauiful to eat!

...glueing the pepper on...first...

Aloha, ....UM..
Next you're going to tell me that drinking Bud Light won't make a man athletic and attract hot chicks!
No no... that's false advertising... what they're doing here is exaggerating. There's a difference... :uhyeah:
Next you're going to tell me that drinking Bud Light won't make a man athletic and attract hot chicks!

Hello, We use to work for "Bud" and it works.....

Chasing the beer trucks...forget to lock the brakes..

and the to roost in the warehouse too...lots of Hot chicks...

Bud Light...will make you a Man!

Aloha, ..what's that smell....?
Next you're going to tell me that drinking Bud Light won't make a man athletic and attract hot chicks!

Well, if you drink lots of it it will make me look better in contrast.