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The Old Grandmasters'.The Difference.
By Shaun - 10-16-2011 09:44 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Many Filipino martial arts practitioners speak about the 'old Grandmasters'.Who are the 'old Grandmasters'?
Generally (but not exclusively) these are Masters who were from that generation that fought in the second world war.There is a look and a feel to these warriors that have had to use their steel and hardwood sticks to survive not just in the war fighting the Japanese, but also in the challenge matches that most of these fighters participated in.These Masters have a way of holding themselves.A look in their eye that says you challenge me and it will be a fight where one will die!
What separates these warriors from today's generation of Masters? It is that trial by combat where it is man to man(or one against several men) and steel to steel facing each other and the knowledge that one of you will not survive,or perhaps both.
This group of elite warriors stands apart in my opinion as they have faced what many can only imagine.That is facing someone with a weapon, be it a firearm,blade or other lethal implement that is intent on one thing.Depriving you of your life.
So,what makes FMA special to me is that many of today's Masters have trained with these 'old school warriors'.The difference? Everything. By this I mean these Grandmasters were teaching their students from real, practical experience.Experience for which there is no substitute and can never be a substitute.This experience I speak of is personal man to man deadly combat.
From a personal point of view, I feel very fortunate to have had the honour and privilege to train with one such Grandmaster.This man being legendary Lightning Scientific Arnis Grandmaster Bejamin Luna Lema.
Sadly many of the great Grandmasters are no longer with us, but those of us that were lucky enough to have befriended and learned from these great warriors continue to keep alive their legacy by teaching and indeed evolving these time tested Filipino fighting arts.
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By Shaun - 10-16-2011 09:44 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Many Filipino martial arts practitioners speak about the 'old Grandmasters'.Who are the 'old Grandmasters'?
Generally (but not exclusively) these are Masters who were from that generation that fought in the second world war.There is a look and a feel to these warriors that have had to use their steel and hardwood sticks to survive not just in the war fighting the Japanese, but also in the challenge matches that most of these fighters participated in.These Masters have a way of holding themselves.A look in their eye that says you challenge me and it will be a fight where one will die!
What separates these warriors from today's generation of Masters? It is that trial by combat where it is man to man(or one against several men) and steel to steel facing each other and the knowledge that one of you will not survive,or perhaps both.
This group of elite warriors stands apart in my opinion as they have faced what many can only imagine.That is facing someone with a weapon, be it a firearm,blade or other lethal implement that is intent on one thing.Depriving you of your life.
So,what makes FMA special to me is that many of today's Masters have trained with these 'old school warriors'.The difference? Everything. By this I mean these Grandmasters were teaching their students from real, practical experience.Experience for which there is no substitute and can never be a substitute.This experience I speak of is personal man to man deadly combat.
From a personal point of view, I feel very fortunate to have had the honour and privilege to train with one such Grandmaster.This man being legendary Lightning Scientific Arnis Grandmaster Bejamin Luna Lema.
Sadly many of the great Grandmasters are no longer with us, but those of us that were lucky enough to have befriended and learned from these great warriors continue to keep alive their legacy by teaching and indeed evolving these time tested Filipino fighting arts.
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