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Tabimina Balintawak and Taboada Balintawak
By jspeedy - 08-10-2010 01:27 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
From the first time I saw Tabimina Balintawak on youtube years ago I was interested and curious about the art. As a Balintawak practitioner under Bobby Taboada I've been curious about all of the different styles of the art. I know some people might think it is negative to focus on differences and some may think it's best to embrace similarities, but my curiosity leads me to believe that by understanding differences much can be learned.
I recently learned one of the members of fmatalk will be moving close to me (thanks fmatalk!). I thought this would be a great learning opportunity to learn more about his style of Tabimina Balintawak. Rather than post all of my questions in a private message i figured i'd start a thread to give others the opportunity to give input or ask question of their own. I'll start by asking question in a numbered format and whoever wants to add input can address the question # throw in his/her two cents. Hopefully no one interprets my questions as rude or nosey, I simply want to learn everything I can about Balintawak.
1) Does Tabimina Balintawak have different grades or levels? If so what are he designations between teacher and student?
2) From my understanding Tabimina Balintawak has no single man forms. How are "full power" strikes practiced/learned? Does the style have "full power strikes"?
3) Is there a butting system incorporated into the style?
4) Are any disarms included?
5) I think i've seen some Tabimina Balintawak knifework in videos. What blades are used? How is the system taught (counter to counter,flow drills ect)?
Thanks ahead for any replies!
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By jspeedy - 08-10-2010 01:27 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
From the first time I saw Tabimina Balintawak on youtube years ago I was interested and curious about the art. As a Balintawak practitioner under Bobby Taboada I've been curious about all of the different styles of the art. I know some people might think it is negative to focus on differences and some may think it's best to embrace similarities, but my curiosity leads me to believe that by understanding differences much can be learned.
I recently learned one of the members of fmatalk will be moving close to me (thanks fmatalk!). I thought this would be a great learning opportunity to learn more about his style of Tabimina Balintawak. Rather than post all of my questions in a private message i figured i'd start a thread to give others the opportunity to give input or ask question of their own. I'll start by asking question in a numbered format and whoever wants to add input can address the question # throw in his/her two cents. Hopefully no one interprets my questions as rude or nosey, I simply want to learn everything I can about Balintawak.
1) Does Tabimina Balintawak have different grades or levels? If so what are he designations between teacher and student?
2) From my understanding Tabimina Balintawak has no single man forms. How are "full power" strikes practiced/learned? Does the style have "full power strikes"?
3) Is there a butting system incorporated into the style?
4) Are any disarms included?
5) I think i've seen some Tabimina Balintawak knifework in videos. What blades are used? How is the system taught (counter to counter,flow drills ect)?
Thanks ahead for any replies!
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