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Special Gift to All most of all to the PTK
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:46:45 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Comes the closing of the 2007. December 25th is significant in the Philippines and I am sure lots of people celebrates the way we do in the Philippines. But one big significant thing that Filipinos do in the Philippines is beside the christian way of celebration, the cultural way of expressing hospitality and family reunion is the most heartfilled expression at 12:00 midnight of December 25th. Christmas is something that makes one felt by being together once a year is a treasure of golden feelings that cannot be exchanged by any gift. But to those who are involve in the Pekiti-Tirsia system and those who intend to be in the big family, my personal greatest gift of all is providing each the advancement technology that had been kept for many years revealed in reality that no amount of gift can equal. The gift of Knowledge and Wisdom. Each seminar that I had and will have is centered on the technology that prepares someone to be in Authority with great confidence and that confidence cannot be questioned, it can only provide an answer before the question is released.It react before the eye balls move.
But above all , it is safe to greet each one A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Comes the day that we shall see each other again comes 2008 , 2009 and we consume all the 2,000 till we reach the 3,000.Those who will be in the Philippines comes the Licensure Course on FEb 5-15 to March 30, it will bring new tomorrow for the real men of valor.
But before the end will end, the greatest gift of those who claim advocating a System, a style should tell the people the truth how did you happened to have that system because if not then the truth will reveal who you are and it will be shameful that an FMA GRandmaster is not telling the truth.Then it will be a Black Christmas.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:46:45 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Comes the closing of the 2007. December 25th is significant in the Philippines and I am sure lots of people celebrates the way we do in the Philippines. But one big significant thing that Filipinos do in the Philippines is beside the christian way of celebration, the cultural way of expressing hospitality and family reunion is the most heartfilled expression at 12:00 midnight of December 25th. Christmas is something that makes one felt by being together once a year is a treasure of golden feelings that cannot be exchanged by any gift. But to those who are involve in the Pekiti-Tirsia system and those who intend to be in the big family, my personal greatest gift of all is providing each the advancement technology that had been kept for many years revealed in reality that no amount of gift can equal. The gift of Knowledge and Wisdom. Each seminar that I had and will have is centered on the technology that prepares someone to be in Authority with great confidence and that confidence cannot be questioned, it can only provide an answer before the question is released.It react before the eye balls move.
But above all , it is safe to greet each one A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Comes the day that we shall see each other again comes 2008 , 2009 and we consume all the 2,000 till we reach the 3,000.Those who will be in the Philippines comes the Licensure Course on FEb 5-15 to March 30, it will bring new tomorrow for the real men of valor.
But before the end will end, the greatest gift of those who claim advocating a System, a style should tell the people the truth how did you happened to have that system because if not then the truth will reveal who you are and it will be shameful that an FMA GRandmaster is not telling the truth.Then it will be a Black Christmas.
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