FMAT: Pekiti-tirsia Lowest Common Denominator

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Pekiti-tirsia Lowest Common Denominator
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 04 Oct 2007 23:59:38 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


All methods, techniques, structures, procedures and implementations are all directed to the " Lowest Common Denominator" LCD. Each Pekiti-Tirsia slashes from diagonals, verticals, laterals and reverse diagonals are all directed to end at the LCD.All thrust are directed to the crossroad of all angles that will keep the balance as the life support system expressed in Speed ,timing, power, Accuracy and Precision.

For so many hundreds of years, the forefathers of pekiti-tirsia as been fashioned that all roads will end to survival and that the only one that will survive, the one who knows the real secret of kali both physical and metaphysical.

One cannot speak LCD if he has not completed the Physical and the Metaphysical.What has been in the past has been perfected , studied and put into laboratory and it cost lots of lives to perfect one technique that leads to the LCD.

If there is a continuing evolution in the Physical structures of Edged Weaponry to Impact Weaponry then it is an indication that the system has reach the point of understanding the LCD and all techniques leads to the end of the tunnel where only one can survive.

LCD as many formulas and one of them is the TRi-V Formula now being practiced and introduced to the present students of PTK . Tri-V Formula as it is implemented leads to the exact LCD meaning LIFE CAN'T DIE.


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