FMAT: New to FMA's - Advice and Q's

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New to FMA's - Advice and Q's
By Tikirocker - Sun, 15 Jun 2008 19:57:44 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


G'day all!

My first post here and really my first bit of serious research into FMA's - I'm looking to cross train from my regular style of Yang Taijiquan, the teacher I have trained under is called Erle Montaigue who is very well known for his works on point striking and Dim Mak among other things - my Taiji system is totally combat oriented and practical unlike a great deal of what passes for Tai Chi today.

Cut a long story short I have been very interested in supplementing my Taijiquan with another system that contained a solid hand weapons syllabus and have found the concept of FMA's "the art within your art" very refreshing and exactly what I am looking for. I have also found principles such as the Flow in FMA to be complimentary to the principles within combat Taijiquan where we yeild to greater force, lead, stick, adhere in order to overcome ... using the force of the opponent to defeat them.

In my school we have no belt grading systems and we forget about the uniforms too ... the development of the student is for life.

In any case ... in my search for a system of FMA I have been stunned to find there are a huge array of systems and schools with their own teachings etc and I need some help getting my head around all this. Can you guys help me out by answering a few questions, any advice greatly appreciated.

I have local to me a Modern Arnis school who has direct training assocation with Ernesto Presas having housed him during tours to Australia etc. It's very tough for me to know what a good school or system is right now so I am looking for a guage from people ... a yay or nay type of thing? I want to train with the best people I can but have no interest in the Mcdojo culture since where I've come from in my own school eschews all that.

Info on my local Arnis school is here ...

Then there are schools quite a way from me that focus on Doce Pares who say "April 2000 saw the direct affiliation of the Doce Pares International Australia by Peter Shannon under the guidance of Grandmaster Dionisio A. Canete of Doce Pares Inc, Cebu, Philippines."

I'm trying to understand what to expect from Doce Pares vs Modern Arnis, can anybody clue me in on the key features and differences between these two schools/systems? I am looking for very direct, fluid, practical systems that I can make my own art ... I want a system that's no nonsense and deals with full contact and at higher levels deals with gun disarmament and issues like improvised weapons etc.

Which brings me to Ray Floro of

Ray seems to have trained Korean Spec Forces, SWAT, various Military etc and has a very down to earth system that does away with uniforms etc and gets to the point.

Another question for me is one of politics within the art ... sadly Taijiquan has a history of huge wars between schools, teachers, systems, styles, lineages etc ... I have grown to be extremely sick of all this junk over the years and it was/is my hope that in exploring a new art that I might for once find a safe haven from all the politics found in my own art ... as with most things if you don't want to get involved you don't but it seems FMA's are just as political as Taiji ... what do you guys have to say about this in regard to a new comer?

Sorry for the long intro and post but this is research and decisions time for me so help me out if you can.

Best regards to all! Simon.


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