FMAT: New Beginners Course (UK Based)

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New Beginners Course (UK Based)
By LabanB - 09-30-2014 06:57 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


New Month: New Beginners Course!

4th of October sees the start of a new Beginners Course in Filipino Martial Arts (the base art being Doce Pares Original Multistyle Eskrima System under Master Danny Huertas, GM Val Pableo and SGM Dionisio Canete).

If you've seen the Bourne movies, the Batman movies or the Blade Trilogy, you've seen the FMA at their best.Come and train in this expansive and comprehensive martial arts system covering weapons and empty hand.

10am, Saturday 4/10/2014, £5 per session (£3 per class, two classes for £5).

Contact Bill Lowery, 07834465817/ for more information.


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