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Listing previous arts/teachers, what do you do?
By Tagadagat - 05-29-2012 12:23 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
When speaking of your martial arts background do you list every single art/teacher you have ever had, or do you limit yourself, and why?
For myself, I only go into the teachers/arts that I currently practice/do. Primarily because my former training is so drastically different, that there really isnt any bleed through, and I dont want people to make the wrong attribution as to where certain movement/strategoes comes from. If people really want to know, I tell them, but at least when I am teaching I find going too much into the past makes things confusing for people, and really has nothing to do with what we are doing. E.g. like talking about my religious studies courses I took in college when someone is asking about my legal resume, may have been a fun time and enriched my overall life experience, but has nothing to do with my quality/knowledge/experience as a lawyer. So how about you, do you automatically note every teacher/art, or are you selective?
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By Tagadagat - 05-29-2012 12:23 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
When speaking of your martial arts background do you list every single art/teacher you have ever had, or do you limit yourself, and why?
For myself, I only go into the teachers/arts that I currently practice/do. Primarily because my former training is so drastically different, that there really isnt any bleed through, and I dont want people to make the wrong attribution as to where certain movement/strategoes comes from. If people really want to know, I tell them, but at least when I am teaching I find going too much into the past makes things confusing for people, and really has nothing to do with what we are doing. E.g. like talking about my religious studies courses I took in college when someone is asking about my legal resume, may have been a fun time and enriched my overall life experience, but has nothing to do with my quality/knowledge/experience as a lawyer. So how about you, do you automatically note every teacher/art, or are you selective?
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