FMAT: Laser Eye surgery

Clark Kent

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Laser Eye surgery
By Beungood - Sun, 04 May 2008 16:32:10 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I'm not sure if this is the section to post it, but anyone here have laser eye surgery done? Pros and cons?


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I had it done just over 2 weeks ago. Pros are getting rid of the glasses and contacts, and going from a very strong prescription (-9.5 in one eye, -8.75 in the other) to 20/20.

2 weeks out, I am finding that my eyes are still tiring fairly quickly, and it can be an effort to focus at times (esp. late in the day). I am also getting some halos at night likely related to the above.

Overall, it's been a good thing for me, and I am hopeful that the minor inconveniences will go away (they have been getting better/less frequent).
I had LASIK about 7 years ago - after 25+ years of glasses. No more astigmatism, no more sparring blind, no prescription glasses, no prescription sunglasses... I love it! But you do need to carefully investigate which type of laser eye surgery is appropriate for you - they're not all the same, and different types work better for different people.

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