FMAT: Kuntaw Kali Kruzada - IMAFP affiliate system

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Kuntaw Kali Kruzada - IMAFP affiliate system
By kruzada - Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:02:09 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Awhile back I received a request to post some information on my system Kuntaw Kali Kruzada from one of the moderators.

Kuntaw Kali Kruzada is affiliated with IMAF Philippines and the founder of our system, Maestro Rico Acosta, is the New York coordinator for IMAFP.

Our system uses the training methods of various FMA styles, with a focus on ending the confrontation as quickly as possible. We always assume that every encounter will be against multiple attackers and emphasize the need for multiple counter offensive options that allow the defender to move to virtually any position regardless of the angle of attack, utilizing the relative position of the closest attacker as a temporary barrier against the other assailants.

We also integrate and seamlessly change ranges from Long range to Medium range, into close range and back out. To either clash and redirect our opponent into another assailant or to finish the fight on the first attack launched.

The foundation of our techniques are practiced using the IMAFP module which is structured to neutralize the six basic strikes i.e. 2 head strikes, 2 knee strikes, thrust to midsection, overhead strike, utilizing a pre-established combination of defenses or counter offensive strikes which are usually from the same family or category such as Ocho-Ocho, Abaniko, Doblete or Doblada. We have integrated counter offensive strikes from other FMA styles/systems into this same module with success.

After learning the basic coordination from this module, we then break the pattern so that our students do not get used to anticipating the strikes in a predictable pattern. This obviously helps them to react reflexively and transition their responses more fluidly.

When a student has reached a certain level we strike full force from different angles and they are expected to execute the a pre-determined counter offensive pattern. The feeder and defender can be weilding mixed weapon combinations such as single stick against double stick, double stick against stick and dagger, single stick against dagger, empty hand against dagger etc.

This is also done with multiple attackers with varying weapon combinations for the advanced levels.

The underlying focus of our system is on developing speed and power in every strike, breaking the attacking limb regardless of what the assailant is holding. In empty hand training we would break the limb and implement a lock or throw that would allow us to redirect the attacker or utilize him as a shield or project him into oncoming attackers.

We are also very traditional in the sense that our students are taught how to respect each other and their seniors. They also learn certain aspects of Filipino culture and the rudiments of our language. Every student is encouraged to return to train in the Philippines with our instructors, as we will always be indebted to them for sharing their knowledge with us.

Rich Acosta

Chief Instructor
Kuntaw Kali Kruzada


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