FMAT: Gunology vs knifeometrics

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Gunology vs knifeometrics
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 27 Jul 2007 00:43:25 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Allow me to discuss little about Gunology and then I will make a comparative analysis with the use of Knifeometrics.

Long before the discovery of gun powder edged weapon was the superior weapon. The development of edged weaponry went to the extent of mastering the use of shooting the edged point arrow in an estimated distance that it can kill with instant death at about hundred yards but for heavy bows can reach as 300 yards with an killing impact as good as 50 yards.. All killing distance. Expert in the use of bow and arrows kills more enemy than a blade fighter in the middle of 20 enemies.As the knowledge of warfare started to developed, a gun has to be invented for the gun powderto be used effective at a distance thus providing the soldier with the gun to win and annihilate the opposing enemy. So the gun with gun powder inseparably developed to defeat the enemy and to kill that opposess the one in power.

Gunology is a science that deals the familiarization and the use of the gun , handgun, rifles, and explosives of all types, its components, models and brand more on the history of certain gun used in the past war from the 55 days in Peking to the Sahara theatre to the Civil war in the United States to the European rising power driven to the Asian where Japan wants to dominate the Asia Pacific from 1942 t0 1949,

Today Gunology seemed to be accepted only by limited population like the NRA in the US and other Gun Advoacate in other countries we called them PRO GUNS . The entire population is not hundred percent Pro Gun , opposition still prevails. In my country the Philippines, Filipinos are Gun lovers in some Islands the Gun is more precious than their working animals and they sell all their produce just to own a 45 caliber pistol or a paltick.

Philippines had reached to the point as the Gun Culture of Asia that almost all in the Philippines needs to have a gun,if there is a family that dislike guns because he is more religious and everything that is done is the name of God and to protect is the belief of prayer that God will save them in time of Crisis.

Gunology is preparedness with an extra security consciousness against any elements of surprise. I like the Philosophy of my original PTK Director for the Bay area of San Francisco and San Jose and nearby cities , that in his life time at the age of 52 his collection of real guns can be more than 50 assorted types of different brands from a hand gun to the powerful caliber found the in the United States Gun Store and manufacturer. His concept is, it is great to be prepared than sorry. Knowledge and training in Gunology is the best act of security for the protection of the family and protection of the Nation and its population. The Patriotic Act is will define in terms of the protection of this country against the rising terrorism and for other democratic countries who believes in life. Gunology offers the best service to mankind.

With the security of Gunology it offers a life support system.The knife culture influenced Gunology in many ways to proper on the other hand , knifeometrics offers the technology of silent killing that a gun cannot perform. knifeometrics complinents the Gunology in all aspect of combat from killig over the hill to the bedside slash separating the head of the real killer found in deep slumber, Only Knifeometrics, the science of silent killing became effective in all aspects of war.

While I am writing this I am reminded an a bazaar killing that happens few days ago here in Connecticut a place close to Waterbury where I will be holding the seminar on the weekend in a school of my Director for this particular area, Ron Kosakowski an incident that breaks your heart. Two criminally minded persons followed the woman to enter into the house of a well to do family where the two lovely girls and the father where inside the house. This two thugs pointed a gun to the two daughters and the father tied their hands and the father was brought down to the basement. Then the two went upstairs raped the two daughters and the mother. about 9.00 am the mother was told to go the bank together with the two thugs and told to get money after she got the money they drove back to the house and burn the house together with the two daughters but the father was able to knock the windows in the basemnent and was able to escape the burning house.This is one of the many example that is happening todays society. This is the result if the training in martial arts is kick and punch ignoring the importance of a gun and the knife. Gone were the days that kicks and punh will work, just look at the You tube what educatiion that the murderer can learn by looking at the You tube, it serve inspiration to the killers that they can do better than any martial artist by doing the real application on how knife or gun work against hold up and force entries or thrill killing.

Gunology and Knifeometrics opens the avenues of training expanded by the thought that one day you can be a victim, then we will be sorry to hear you died with your head blown and your neck is separated from your head, this is the result of negligence,. you can call 911


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