FMAT: filipino fighting secrets live blog - empty hand

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filipino fighting secrets live blog - empty hand
By THEKUNTAWMAN - 04-03-2014 11:10 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


hello everyone. I am the writer of the filipino fighting secretslive blog.

i dont do the forums anymore, but i have enough friends asking me to comment on some of the forums where the blog is discuss. it seems people dont mind me talking about FMA unless i am disagreeing with what most people feel is true, like my opinion of what is called "FMA empty hand"

i been doing this art since most FMA masters today were just discovering they like FMAs more than karate or kung fu. Jet kune do is not my introduction to these arts. and neither is the seminar, or the video tapes, or wing chun, or remy presas, etc. i lived with my master, who is my own grandfather, and he was not a mainstream teacher. the art he had, he change for himself, then taught to me, and i changed it for myself and then teach it to my students. because my way in is not through danny inosanto or remy presas, i am 99% different than most of you.

but my lolo is not my only teacher. i was also a student of bogs lao and ernesto and roberto presas. i was a part of the manila and angeles city martial arts community for years, and the washington dc/baltimore martial arts and boxing community as well. i spent a lot of time competing and training with people all over the East Coast and the midwest. i am no novice. and unlike most FMA people, i do not "exchange" well with people. my experience exchanging is through sparring and training. most people experience is through making friends and teaching each other what you know. now i dont know what FMA community most people get their philosophy from, but in my experience, teachers do not sell their information, they keep it to themselves, and they look for ways to make their style BEAT other people styles. which is exactly how i approach the FMA.i did not create my system to look like everyone else style. I am not trying to add everything. i dont care if most people will not be attracted to my arts. what i do care is that when i promote a guy to the advance level i know for a FACT that my guy will destroy 99% of the opponents in front of him. i have a very small number of advance students/instructors, but my quality is very high. most FMA grandmasters cant even NAME every advance student in his style

i reject mass instruction and recruiting of students. would i like hundreds of students? yes. but only hundreds of students who will train the way i prefer to teach my arts and stick with it long enough to be the best representative of my style--and even become better and stronger than me.

which lead me to my point. when i write that FMA empty hand is not effective, i am not saying FMA is not effective. read what i wrote: i say that FMA empty hand is not effective the way most of you do it.

limb destructions work. trapping works. but they do not work the way you do them. many people wont get it, and they cannot understand unless you see me in person, and let me prove to you IN PERSON that they dont work.

and this is why i dont like forums anymore. too much talk, too much hiding behind the computer, no way to prove your point so all we can really do is argue like little girls or hold hands like little girls. i dont put youtube clips because its not how I do business. i dont teach by distance, and i protect my information for people who earn it. so if you want to test my opinion of FMA empty hands, you have to do it in person. but because of the nature of most FMA people's approach in the martial arts, you wont. when i make my statement, it is because i have discovered this to be true in my experience. i have been challenged by too many people who never show up, people in my city talking crap from the safety of facebook and closed forums who will never show up at my door or any tournament me and my guys go to or never show up for my fight nights. so my "theory" is proven a fact to me, until someone else proves it wrong.

if you live far away from california and you want to test your FMA empty hand, try going in a boxing gym. pay the daily fee, and tell the coach you want some ring time. they will always obligate you.

by the way, i do not teach FMA as a side dish to kung fu. i teach it along with my kung fu. the two do not mix, and when you get in my school you have to decide which you want to do, FMA or kung fu. in my 20+ years i had my school, only one guy has done both, and he is one of the instructors in my kuntaw, and I will put money on him against any man reading this blog. trust me, anyone in northern california who knows me knows i am right and would not want to be on the floor with any of my guys.

and dont ask me for clips and stuff like that. I'm old school, I do my challanges in person and we always accept. ;-)


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