FMAT: cross training

Clark Kent

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cross training
By equilibrium - Mon, 23 Apr 2007 16:43:33 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


This question in many ways overlaps with many other threads and comments in them.

Why do you cross train? Tuhon Gaje almost every seminar that I have attended says that if you train in multiple martial arts, it can cause problems... you might want to zig when you should zag. It can also cause hesitation since your body has multiple trained responses...

So what is it that makes you feel the need to study more than one art?

Do you think it enhances your fighting ability or causes problems with it?

What are the positive and negatives of either cross training or not cross training?


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I enjoy cross training (especially with sticks). I have dabbled with Serrata, Kabaroan, Escrima, Kali, Senkotiros, Doce Pares and Arnis. I love working with people from all types of backgrounds. I like to pick up on their style, concepts, counters and technique. There are only so many ways to swing a stick, what changes are the applications. By researching and "Sharing" knowledge with all walks of FMA, I feel I have developed my own flavor from experience. I can often recognize a players style. Once I have picked up on the style, I can occasionally anticipate certain movements and place the odds of successful encouters into my favor. Learn the ways of others and develop your own flavor from experiences.

My FMA roots are that of Escrima. it is part of Sijo Emperado's Kajukenbo foundation.

cross training
By equilibrium - Mon, 23 Apr 2007 16:43:33 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk

This question in many ways overlaps with many other threads and comments in them.

Why do you cross train? Tuhon Gaje almost every seminar that I have attended says that if you train in multiple martial arts, it can cause problems... you might want to zig when you should zag. It can also cause hesitation since your body has multiple trained responses...

So what is it that makes you feel the need to study more than one art?

Do you think it enhances your fighting ability or causes problems with it?

What are the positive and negatives of either cross training or not cross training?


------------------------------------ Post Bot - FMA Feed
Wow, what a varied FMA background!
Mostly seminars and a few fortunate opportunities over the years. I dont claim to be an expert in any specific one but have put some spices on the main meal so to speak. ;) I'll never stop learning... Going to be a first timer at the DB's gathering in June. I will let you know how it turns out. No better test than a trial by fire.


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