FMAT: Changing direction....

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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Changing direction....
By Sabre - 02-25-2009 12:17 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hi all,

It has been a long while since I have posted or visited the forum due to various challenges at home and work, but I am back now.

For those of you that may remember, I was training in Doce Pares Multistyle System and that my previous martial background was a mix of Thai arts and as my name implies...a bit of Fencing. While I still enjoy and love Doce Pares (I will continue my training, just not as aggressively), I have found myself truly missing and wanting to get back to my close quarter roots that I love so much.

With this in mind I have done some research and have found that I am lucky enough to have a PTK Instructor located close to me, Mr. Stephen Joffe. I have not been accepted as a student yet, but hope Guru Joffe will consider me soon.

I just wanted to share my excitment with all of you as I hope to become a new member of your PTK family.


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