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A question about Tim Hartman
By The Game - Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:44:17 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
I know Tim's on here, so hope he doesn't mind my asking this.
I've been slumming on some other boards for a while. I noticed something interesting though.
Seems some people love him, some are in the middle, and a few people seem to really really hate him. I mean, the type of hate that really eats at ones soul. I even found a site where a few guys write songs and poems about him, and almost every post is a grade school level comment bordering on obsession and I'm not talking the perfume here. Real mental illness type stuff, like, guys in white coats and "they're coming to take me away haha" level crazy.
Hartmans wikipedia page had a defacement war on it a while ago, same guys and he's been lambasted over and over again, on the mtc, here, bullshido, and a few other places.
I really don't understand it.
So, I have to ask, what's he done to deserve this?
I've watched some clips of him on Youtube and over on MartialTalk. He isn't superman, but he doesn't move bad. I mean, he's not swinging his stick like an orchestra conductor, or waving it around like Merlin the magician like many FMA clips seem to do.
Speaking of clips, the couple of guys who seem to spend so much of their lives obsessing and going on and on and on about him, I couldn't find any video of them. Nothing. Couple of them are supposed to be something special too in the seminar world, but couldn't find any clips. Then again, I've also noticed that most of them have been banned from here or MartialTalk. Probably says something for their character.
So, why is it that you can't find any clips of these guys?
By the way, I saw a reference to "sock puppet" in a few threads. What that?
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By The Game - Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:44:17 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
I know Tim's on here, so hope he doesn't mind my asking this.
I've been slumming on some other boards for a while. I noticed something interesting though.
Seems some people love him, some are in the middle, and a few people seem to really really hate him. I mean, the type of hate that really eats at ones soul. I even found a site where a few guys write songs and poems about him, and almost every post is a grade school level comment bordering on obsession and I'm not talking the perfume here. Real mental illness type stuff, like, guys in white coats and "they're coming to take me away haha" level crazy.
Hartmans wikipedia page had a defacement war on it a while ago, same guys and he's been lambasted over and over again, on the mtc, here, bullshido, and a few other places.
I really don't understand it.
So, I have to ask, what's he done to deserve this?
I've watched some clips of him on Youtube and over on MartialTalk. He isn't superman, but he doesn't move bad. I mean, he's not swinging his stick like an orchestra conductor, or waving it around like Merlin the magician like many FMA clips seem to do.
Speaking of clips, the couple of guys who seem to spend so much of their lives obsessing and going on and on and on about him, I couldn't find any video of them. Nothing. Couple of them are supposed to be something special too in the seminar world, but couldn't find any clips. Then again, I've also noticed that most of them have been banned from here or MartialTalk. Probably says something for their character.
So, why is it that you can't find any clips of these guys?
By the way, I saw a reference to "sock puppet" in a few threads. What that?
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