FMAT: A question about Tim Hartman

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A question about Tim Hartman
By The Game - Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:44:17 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I know Tim's on here, so hope he doesn't mind my asking this.

I've been slumming on some other boards for a while. I noticed something interesting though.

Seems some people love him, some are in the middle, and a few people seem to really really hate him. I mean, the type of hate that really eats at ones soul. I even found a site where a few guys write songs and poems about him, and almost every post is a grade school level comment bordering on obsession and I'm not talking the perfume here. Real mental illness type stuff, like, guys in white coats and "they're coming to take me away haha" level crazy.

Hartmans wikipedia page had a defacement war on it a while ago, same guys and he's been lambasted over and over again, on the mtc, here, bullshido, and a few other places.

I really don't understand it.

So, I have to ask, what's he done to deserve this?

I've watched some clips of him on Youtube and over on MartialTalk. He isn't superman, but he doesn't move bad. I mean, he's not swinging his stick like an orchestra conductor, or waving it around like Merlin the magician like many FMA clips seem to do.

Speaking of clips, the couple of guys who seem to spend so much of their lives obsessing and going on and on and on about him, I couldn't find any video of them. Nothing. Couple of them are supposed to be something special too in the seminar world, but couldn't find any clips. Then again, I've also noticed that most of them have been banned from here or MartialTalk. Probably says something for their character.

So, why is it that you can't find any clips of these guys?

By the way, I saw a reference to "sock puppet" in a few threads. What that?


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Emotions ran high with many people after the founder of Modern Arnis passed away.

Tim is a solid arnis practicioner who also speaks his mind and calls it as he sees it which may or may not always be taken well by everyone. :0)

While disagreements happen, some have the ability to move on while others seem to dwell on the negative rather than move forward with a positive focus on their own lives.

I have worked with many arnis practicioners including Tim and have learned something of value from all of them.

Tim is persistant.

I remember doing double siniwali with him at one camp until I thought both our arms would fall off! :)
Someone once told me that Tim was like a Black Widow spider, he sucks you dry then discards your used up carcass. If I had a few more clients using me up like Tim, I'd have a car with a long funny name in my driveway. :) He's put me in contact with more people than I can keep track of, and been a solid supporter and friend for years, even when we haven't seen eye to eye at times. We wouldn't have MT, KenpoTalk, FMATalk or the WNYMA site without him. Wouldn't have had the M&G's, and I wouldn't have met so many great people over the years. So, yeah, I think he gets a bum rap from a few folks.

Tim's out there, doing things. Makes one a target for those who don't. Like Frank said, alot of emotions ran hot right after Remy's passing. Today, most folks are moving forward and continuing to promote Remy's dream and art and taking it forward, each in their own way. Guys like Tim, Kelly Worden, and other "big names" will always have their share of detractors. It's part of the game, y'know? The couple of folks who are stuck in the past? Well, like was said, you don't see videos of them, articles on them, many if any seminars by them, etc. So, take the criticisms with a few grains of salt. Tim's persistent, aggressive, and out there doing things. That rubs some folks the wrong way. It happens. I've chosen to ignore the disgruntled negative types, and train with positive good people. Tim's one of them. Makes for a more fun time, y'know?

The nobody critic is a common type on forums. I just ignore them as their command of the facts is usually lacking at best.

As to "Sock Puppets", it's a Wikipedia/Usenet term:

A sockpuppet (sometimes known also as a mule, glove puppet, alternate account, or joke account) is an additional account of an existing member of an Internet community to invent a separate user. This may be used for fictional support of separate people in a vote or argument by falsely using the account as a separate user, or for acting without consequence to one's "main" account. It is often considered dishonest by online communities, and such pretending individuals are often labeled as trolls.

We boot em fast as we find them here.
Someone once told me that Tim was like a Black Widow spider, he sucks you dry then discards your used up carcass. If I had a few more clients using me up like Tim, I'd have a car with a long funny name in my driveway. :) He's put me in contact with more people than I can keep track of, and been a solid supporter and friend for years, even when we haven't seen eye to eye at times. We wouldn't have MT, KenpoTalk, FMATalk or the WNYMA site without him. Wouldn't have had the M&G's, and I wouldn't have met so many great people over the years. So, yeah, I think he gets a bum rap from a few folks.

Tim's out there, doing things. Makes one a target for those who don't. Like Frank said, alot of emotions ran hot right after Remy's passing. Today, most folks are moving forward and continuing to promote Remy's dream and art and taking it forward, each in their own way. Guys like Tim, Kelly Worden, and other "big names" will always have their share of detractors. It's part of the game, y'know? The couple of folks who are stuck in the past? Well, like was said, you don't see videos of them, articles on them, many if any seminars by them, etc. So, take the criticisms with a few grains of salt. Tim's persistent, aggressive, and out there doing things. That rubs some folks the wrong way. It happens. I've chosen to ignore the disgruntled negative types, and train with positive good people. Tim's one of them. Makes for a more fun time, y'know?

The nobody critic is a common type on forums. I just ignore them as their command of the facts is usually lacking at best.

As to "Sock Puppets", it's a Wikipedia/Usenet term:

We boot em fast as we find them here.

Sock Puppets and fake accounts - wow nice slang there. I really wonder sometimes about some comments by some accounts, of people who claim to not know me, but make comments like they do. But they have not broken any rules as far as I know, it just makes me go hmmm? Then I smile and go learn something new. :)
Hey at least they are talking about him......the more they rant the more people hear about him...its all good for him!!

There are a few people that were very influential in getting me in to the FMAs...and they are all present on this thread, one way or another...LOL!

Datu Hartman was one of those people. He really went out of his way to help me find a school, answer my endless questions, and work patiently with me while I stumbled through a private lesson.

From what I understand, Datu Hartman among the Professor's highest ranked American students (if not the highest) when he passed away. That alone can lead to jealousy, especially if someone perceives Datu Hartman to be a threat to one's martial arts career.
I have never met Tim and so I do not know him. (though we may have been at a seminar or two at the same time way back when) However several people that I know and respect say he is a good guy and that is good enough for me. Everyone will have their detractors as that unfortunately is just the way our world seems to work. The point is to just keep doing what you do and not let other people's words or actions get you down!

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