FMAT: 2nd Brisbane Eskrima Gathering Open to all Eskrima Styles Sun 24th Jan

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2nd Brisbane Eskrima Gathering Open to all Eskrima Styles Sun 24th Jan
By Alan McFarlane - 01-10-2010 10:17 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


You are officially invited to the second Brisbane Stick Fighting Eskrima Gathering for the year 2010.

Woolloongabba Rotary Park, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Date and Time:
Sunday 24th of Jan 2010 from 10am-4pm

Detailed below is a little information about the format for the day.

Low Armor (non-wekaf) That is Gloves, Head as primary protection with optional elbow, knee, groin protection. Fighters must bring their own protective equipment.

Sticks for the event will be provided as we are going to use a standardised small to medium sized padded rattan stick approx 17-19mm diameter.

3 min rounds rotating between fighters, two fighters at a time.
Fighters pay respect at the begining and the end of each bout to their opponent.
Fight stops if either fighter calls break or the timer signals the end of the round.

With a preference for improving or our weapons based eskrima skill and not MMA fighting Ref's will call break and separate the fighters after a trip or assisted take down or if either fighter clinches. Dumog shoving is allowed as are disarms. Downward thrusting from the chest down is allowed, no upward thrusting is allowed because or the grilled face plates. Kicking and punching is not allowed. It's not a boxing match it's stick fighting. No Punyo striking or double grip winding techniques are permitted.
We have had some beginners particpate previously and as such for those that have limited experience we have the following format:

Limited Vs Experienced:

The format is the same as above except that both fighters can only target the hands. For new players this gives them an introduction into moving at range and sparring in a controlled exploratory manor.

On the day we'll have a small chat about our expectations of the fighters just to make sure everyone is clear about leaving the ego at home, the day is about applying the fighting art in the sparring format mentioned above. We fight hard, and remain friends at the end of the bout, accepting any hit's we have taken as a sign of our own need for further development.

*Fighters particpate at their own risk.

If possible it would be good to have each fighter participate in a round each of single stick, double stick and knife. As with previous gatherings some fighters have chosen to enter into just the single stick bouts, that's fine. This will be up to each fighter.

We will have an Eskee with Ice on the day, injuries have been limited in previous gatherings to bruising of varying levels. Anyone with Dit Da Jow is advised to bring it along as this has proven extremely effective for after care in previous gatherings.

This is the second one for the year so don't miss out. Bring your own lunch and drinks and suncream.

If you do not wish to particpate you are also welcome to come along and just watch. Photo's and Videos of the event are allowed. This is an open event, so Eskrimadors from any Eskrima System are most welcome!
If you do intend on particpating please contact me to give us an idea of numbers for the day.

My email address is


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