FMAT: 10th Anniversary of GM Remy A. Presas' passing.

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10th Anniversary of GM Remy A. Presas' passing.
By Datu Tim Hartman - 08-28-2011 12:09 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Ten years ago today the world lost one of the most dynamic Filipino martial artists. The late Grand Master Remy A. Presas. It feels like it was only yesterday that we are all traveling with professor joking and laughing and having him hand us our butts. As you all know the past 10 years have had less than stellar moments. There's been much arguing and infighting but over the last couple years we've seam to gotten our act together.

So the real question is what would Remy think? In my opinion he would be proud. Not only have we figured out how to get along with each other, the art has been going strong since his passing. I for one am looking forward to what the next decade will bring.


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