Florida Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Kobudo Kenkyukai


Green Belt
We are a non political group for the purpose of learning & sharing our beloved art of Goju Ryu . We are not an association as one would think . We are a fraternity of Goju Ryu Yudansha that just get together & train , and learn . No money involved , no grading involved , all we do is learn , share & train . If you are interested please ck out our site : http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/okinawagojuryu/kenkyukai.html

David Somers

What you're doing sounds wonderful to me, I only wish I lived a little closer so I could come along and join in.
How many are you and how do you train? Is it a case of someone taking the lead for a day, or do people work on whatever they want to?
I'm interested becasue I have found that many karate-ka don't like to look outside their own group, and so what you guys are doing sounds excellent.
I wish you all the best for the future and your efforts to make progress.

Mike ,

We only had a few get togethers so far . The first 3 times I believe we had 5 people show . The first time , we all compared Kata , then we discussed the differences & we all taught some different Bunkai . That is where you really learn . Because you pick up , all sorts of Bunkai , you never even seen , or thought of .The 2nd time we got together I think we focused on Kobudo , I taught Tokumine No Kun , somone then led us thru Matayoshi No Bo Hojo Undo & Sai Hojo Undo , then we went thru Ni Cho Sai , Sancho Sai , & a few of the guys went thru Tonfa Ichi . The last time we got together , we had a Japanese Goju buddy of mine take us thru Kihon Ido , I led thru all sorts of San Dan Gi , San Dan Uke Harai , then went over some more kata & Kobudo . It's all about sharing , & learning . You know , the masters of the old done it , why cant we . You see pics of Miyagi , Mabuni , Juhatsu Kiyoda together . They all trained together , and put aside their differences , and just learned . Isn't that what it's all about . So , where are you from ? What style do you do ? I'm from Tampa , but we got guys in Orlando , and Ocala that train w/ us so far . Hopefully it will grow . Eventually , I'd like to see this thing grow out of the state as well , and include all styles ; and put aside our stylistic differences & just train . Like , I said if the masters of the old can do it , why cant we ?

Your training sounds great, and I repeat, if I was closer I'd be there training with you.
I now live in Tasmania, the smallest, and only island, state in Australia. My wife and I moved out here about 15 years ago from England.
If you want to know more about my karate etc, click onto my dojo web-site [the www button under my name at the side of this post] and you'll get the run down on what I've been up to [karate wise] for the last 30 years.
I wish you and the other members of the Kenyukai all the best in your endevours.
Mike ,

Thanks for the reply . I was looking around your site trying to find an email link , and couldnt find one . I have some questions about the Jundokan , would you please email me privately at okigojunofl@hotmail.com . Thanks in advance .

To send a message. Go to the Shinseidokan dojo web-site. Enter,
click on to Instructor Profiles / Mike Clarke / Small tool bar under the photo will let you send a message.

I've sent an answer to the private mail you sent me, I hope it's of some help.
