First Lesson


White Belt
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hey all,

I'm new here, only just got into muay thai, and had my first lesson a few days ago.

it was alot of fun, and very physical! an extremely good workout. can't wait to go again next week.

I'm taking it slow and casual, but I'm just curious - on average, how long would it take for somebody to be considered 'advanced' in muay thai?

looking forward to reading through the threads here.
Well I have been training for 3 months, and I was invited to the advanced classes, which is heavy sparring.

My personaly opinion would be, it all depends on how much effort you put in, and how much you really want to do it. Personally I go 5 days a week and then at home, if I find time I will get in front of the mirror and try all the basic techniques to make sure form is as best to perfect as I can get it.
I have been training for about three months as well, and although I started heavy sparring after only the first couple weeks after classes, I would still regard myself as a beginner. Most of the time the other guys and I will alternate sparring rounds amongst us, though we take it more seriously than those who just show up for the class by training outside of class and heavy sparring, but half the time the instructor will jump in and alternate rounds among us, one after the other, going at it full force for an hour straight. In spite of not taking a single break, he still manages to school us throughout the entire time, now that's advanced, the guy's nuts.
It depends. How fast you learn, how often you train, how much you retain and so on. I've seen a lot of students advanced in 3-6 months, which is very common. This doesn't mean that you will be ready to get in the ring and fight, but you could be in the advanced class by this time.