First Day of Class


Master Black Belt
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
I'm not sure if this question has been covered anywhere:

Who remembers their first day in class as a beginning student, and what was it like?

For me, it was like that scene from A Christmas Story where Peter Billingsly's character finally gets his coveted Red Rider BB gun, and is just beside himself with joy and wonder (minus the eye getting shot out!). I was literally overjoyed to finally be able to practice.
20+ years later, Tae Kwon Do has become my old friend
MichiganTKD said:
I'm not sure if this question has been covered anywhere:

Who remembers their first day in class as a beginning student, and what was it like?

For me, it was like that scene from A Christmas Story where Peter Billingsly's character finally gets his coveted Red Rider BB gun, and is just beside himself with joy and wonder (minus the eye getting shot out!). I was literally overjoyed to finally be able to practice.
20+ years later, Tae Kwon Do has become my old friend

That describes it pretty perfectly for me as well. My class was wing chun instead of TKD but it has became a great friend as well. I was completely amazed at how fast the instructors were and became like a drug habit after that.
My first martial arts class, ever?

It was 1994 and I was in the fourth grade and it was winter. I remember I wanted to do it because my older brother had tried it and I used to watch his classes. My mom made me wash the dishes before we could go to the school. When we got there my best friend was also there. Without ever saying a word to each other we both came that day. It was kind of weird. I remember my mom talking to the instructor about what I needed to where and remember talking to my buddy about it. We learned a few kicks that night, front kick, roundhouse...

Unfortunately, the school closed three years later...and that was the end of my martial arts career for a while because it was the only school in town and we didn't have the money to drive 45 miles one way to the nearest school. My plans was always to restart when I left for college. I did, and haven't looked back since...
It can be summed up in 2 words..Anticipation and Excitment..
Well I'll be taking my first Wing Chun class in a couple of weeks. I already know how I'm going to feel.... scared, out of place and excited.
Well I watched a class before I signed up. It was cool and everything I needed it to be. However on my first class I shook the instructors hand and said I'm Jason I was in here last thursday with (my friend) and today I would like to start classes. He said good, get a pair of gloves and go spar with so and so. I looked at him and said I don't even know how to kick or fight yet. Then he replied, ok, well have (your friend) show you how to front kick then you can spar with so and so. I was still a little puzzled then again he replied you'll learn how to keep your hands up. Then I sparred. Looking back at it again I had a lot of fun and wouldn't change it.
I remember when my father judo chopped me for the first time and said training just started always be on gaurd. lesson #1. the rest was blurred for the next couple of month until I learned lesson #1.
terryl965 said:
I remember when my father judo chopped me for the first time and said training just started always be on gaurd. lesson #1. the rest was blurred for the next couple of month until I learned lesson #1.

That was kind of rough, wasn't it?

My first day at age 47 was one of "oh, what did I get myself into...I signed a contract for a year!"

I had an individual lesson and was taught about eight basic kicks and left to do them over and over and over. At the end I was told to run and jump sidekick at the bag. It's amazing how vivid in your memory the first day is.
It's amazing how different people have had completely different experiences... or maybe its how some of you were dropped - seemingly - into the deep end... for example, "go spar with him" hehe that's completely different to how my first experience... that being 2 months ago.

Everyone in the class was a beginner... so the instructor welcomed us, asked us all our names, and we just began with some meditation, then moved into our first form... it was quite exciting. Not quite the "YOU, GET OVER HERE, DEFEND YOURSELF..." kind of image I'd picked up from the film karate Kid.

But our instructors are REALLY nice guys. Couple of weeks ago, my Sifu (is that the correct term?) organised a meal for the class, and we all went to Pizza Express. Its just so comfortable being in that class.

WingTsun's the style by the way :D Two months of lessons, and I'm still feeling a bit lost; hopefully it'll soon all come together. God damnit, don't I just babble for ages?

Well, I watched a lot of classes before I started because my first instructor was my then boyfriend. So, I knew what to expect and he already talked to me before dressing down and going in about most of the protocol.

So we bowed in, meditated, warmed up, and I began with basic strikes, blocks and kicks and, like TW, was left to do them over and over and over again. Then I was shown stances and how to travel in a stance and I drilled that for the rest of class. Then towards the end of class, I had to show the other guys what I had learned that day. Cooled down, bowed out.

Pretty average, I think.

But my first Korean class, years later, was different. After warm ups and stuff and after learning a few basic punches, stances and kicks, he threw me right into techniques with a higher ranking female who was agressive like me. I HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! I couldn't stop smiling for days - it felt SO GOOD to be back and I felt so right about being there ... of course I was sore as hades the following day, but it was WORTH IT!

I had watched a few classes that my children were in and thought it looked like fun. So, I joined thinking, this couldn't be all that hard could it? Boy, was I wrong. I was 70 pounds heavier at the time and really really out of shape but I persevered. Classes were fun and great exercises and we did a lot of laughing, at ourselves and with eachother. Still is that way today. I enjoy it more and more the longer I train.
my first class i was so scared cus i didnt even really want to be there but i was convinced to go by my best friend (whos very scary father was the inst) and i loved it after i got over the fact that i had to call my best friend maam cus she was a black belt.

Now at my new school when i moved, i was so excited cus i had taken about 3 months off and it was really nice to get back into things again
My skin was crawling - even my scalp was prickling. My stomach with in my throat - or my toes, depending. I was petrified, excited, and thought I might throw up. I moved very woodenly, afraid of doing something wrong.
what it
Feisty Mouse said:
My skin was crawling - even my scalp was prickling. My stomach with in my throat - or my toes, depending. I was petrified, excited, and thought I might throw up. I moved very woodenly, afraid of doing something wrong.
YAY! Sounds like fun...I can't wait. :lol:
TigerWoman said:
That was kind of rough, wasn't it?

My first day at age 47 was one of "oh, what did I get myself into...I signed a contract for a year!"

I had an individual lesson and was taught about eight basic kicks and left to do them over and over and over. At the end I was told to run and jump sidekick at the bag. It's amazing how vivid in your memory the first day is.
Noy really he did not hit me as hard as he could you know just enough to let me know his point of view
My first class was at age 43. I was scared to death, since the rest of the class was 20-somethings. The school was in a double-wide storefront, so there were support pillars in two places on the mat. I was told where to stand, which happened to be behind one of those pillars. I thought I could hide so I wouldn't embarrass myself. Imagine my surprise to hear my sensei's voice behind me "You know, I can see you..." That was almost 9 years (will be 9 in February) and two other arts ago.
The first day I was excited and nervous. After class I was totally exhausted. It was a great experience!!
My first ever martial arts class was when I was six years old, so I really don't remember much about it, except that I do vaguely remember being very confused at some point.

My first class in TKD was about 5 years and 3 months ago. The regular instructor was out of town on a business trip, so the assistant instructor (then a 3rd dan) took over. I think there was maybe ten of us in that first class. Our assistant instrcutor is kind of a tame, low-key guy, so it was a pretty tame experience, but I felt like I was learning things. It was my second class, when our main instructor showed up, that I was impressed. I'm not sure I'd ever seen someone move that fast in person before. I was also a little bit scared (the man has an interesting sense of humor).

On another note: I would like to dedicate this post, my 1000th, to Bob/Kaith for creating this wonderfully informative and addicting site, to all my fellow MartialTalk addicts (including, but not limited to, the Great Stool Council), and to everyone who participates in the Tae-Kwon-Do forum(whether you practice TKD or not).
My first class was awesome. Martial arts was something I had always wanted to do. I was 17 and my dad had taught me some things over the years.
In class that day it was mostly basic kicks and punches, I think we stayed mostly in fighting stance, maybe front stance too. It was a blast.
Well I dont remember my first day but I do remember being nervous as my friend (John Bishops son) took me to class. But I still remember my first day training with my current Sifu. I had been running and lifting weights about 4 -5 hours a day for a couple of months so I thought I was in good shape. After the first couple of hundred jumping jacks I was thinking I was mistaken. My instructor let me off easy after my feet started leaving a small puddle of blood on the floor. He chuckled and said my feet may hurt tonight but my calves would hurt for a couple of days. I have noticed that each new student at our school has a different introduction. I havent seen anyone else bleed on their fist day Hmmmmm......