First class thoughts, and ouch.


Master of Arts
Supporting Member
I've been out of action for about 6 months unable to train or hit the weights, but thought I'd share..

Due to change in my hours and work load from my employer. I'm unable to get to my regular training gym on time (I work 1.5 hours drive from home\dojo).

After a few months going nuts from not being able to stay active (with MA) I stumbled across an MMA\BJJ gym while taking my son to a soccer match. They have later in the evening sessions and weekends. So figured great, will go to the Saturday morning session while my son plays a game, literally walking across the road in my shorts and T (no-gi summer lesson).

Showed up, get into the lesson, warm-ups and technique training. Really enjoying doing something, the people and coaches are really friendly and relaxed want to help and work with you. I got to the rolling part near the end of the session and was asked to participate, so I did and was eager. Rolled with another beginner to start, he'd only been practising for a month was fine, was interesting to feel out of my depth and not knowing what to do next, I liked it. Moved onto the next fight, much more experienced was excellent, I didn't have a choice of not knowing what to do, it was all defence and struggling with cardio, he had the same weight as me and used it well, got a taste of my own medicine from using my weight on my first opponent. Third, a small wiry Scott who was running rings around me, but spent time to explain what he was doing and correcting my holds and techniques.

Fourth and final, guy my height and weight, tap hands and leaps. After leaping he backs up and goes white... my left ring finger is dangling and he's trying to stop me from rolling. I figured it was dislocated and popped it back in and asked the coach if there was some tape I could use, we both had a look at the finger and thought yeah keep going (he didn't see it dangle), went back and rolled the rest of the session and went home (after picking up my son) sufficiently exhausted and aching, it felt great to be doing it again. I put together a makeshift splint and figured will give it a rest to heal. Went on holiday surfing up the coast, came back still hurting.

So after seeing multiple doctors, I took my xray to a hand therapist who immediately sent me for an MRI. I had pushed the metacarpal bone up, and into the phalanx bone piercing a splitting it apart. Had emergency plastic surgery (3 hour op) the next morning, 2 titanium screws and a bone graft from my wrist later. I've had 4 months of weekly intense therapy sessions and personal exercising each day. Can nearly make a fist again, so figure almost ready to give it another go. Wife thinks I'm crazy, but got the itch again. And I'm thinking (hoping) was just a freak accident.

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It's definitely a fluke and I'm glad to hear it didn't put you off!

I've only got a few hundred hours on the matts... Other guys here have a few thousand. I've gotten a couple of bruised ribs from having a 300 lb guy practice takedowns on me and a slightly hyper-extended elbow from an overzealous white belt but nothing too serious. The most serious I've seen is a couple of folks learning the hard way to not put your hand down to catch yourself in a side or back fall. They both happened to be girls but they rolled over their hands and broke some fingers. It's a physical sport but with safe practice injuries should be minimal.
Yeah, I'm hoping not to make it a common occurrence. I can't punch a bag yet with out pain shooting up the hand and fingers, so will see if I can attend class still and take it easy on the hand, then once it's recovered take a look at the MMA side of things.
Oh, ouch, that's just plain nasty. Heal up well, bro, take your time.

And your wife is right. :)
Aw man, that's a tough break. (ba dum bum).

Seriously, hope it heals well and fast. I haven't ever broken a finger, but I have broken my little toes so many times they're like little sausages now.
How exactly did your finger get hurt? It sounds like when your sparring partner "leapt" that he somehow dislodged it.
How exactly did your finger get hurt? It sounds like when your sparring partner "leapt" that he somehow dislodged it.

I have a feeling my fingers slid between the mats keeping them straightened, and his weight went on my wrist compressing it down. This part is definitely hazy as it all happened so fast and I didn't actually realize what had happened. So I'm thinking the break happened at that time, but the finger popping out of the joint distracted me from the more serious injury.
I have a feeling my fingers slid between the mats keeping them straightened, and his weight went on my wrist compressing it down. This part is definitely hazy as it all happened so fast and I didn't actually realize what had happened. So I'm thinking the break happened at that time, but the finger popping out of the joint distracted me from the more serious injury.

Yeah. That can happen. Base out wrong and try to defeat two people's bodyweight with your fingers.

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