First BJJ Lesson - Aftermath


Purple Belt
I just finished my first BJJ Lesson under the tutelage of Professor Parker at Gracie Barra San Diego this week and I can say with clarity that I am definitely hooked. Being in good physical condition helped a lot and I was amazed how much I remembered from Modern Army Combatives (the smattering of classes I've had in training) even after very little sustainment training due to a high optempo.

I was also pleased I do a lot of my strength/flexibility training over as full a range of motion as possible - because it helped me with a lot of the positions and for posting limbs.

What was also interesting was how I could see how a lot gi control stuff can translate fairly easily with controls in Army Combatives. Not surprising really considering how much influence Gracie Jiu Jitsu had in creating the Modern Army Combatives Program.

Anyway I am definitely looking forward to lessons as time wears on...
Glad you had a good time. That's the important thing. It's a blast. With your combatives background, I'm not surprised that things were a bit familiar. Often, if someone comes in with any previous grappling, particularly wrestling, the grips give them fits. You're experience will serve you well, I think.

Keep us posted!
Glad you had a good time. The hand holds and GI utilization definitely is very important in my opinion because all of it can work with someone wearing a sweatshirt, coat, BDU's, etc.
I recently had a brief experience with BJJ. And what I came away with was that I can be completely relaxed, and easygoing, and still get a good workout. Rolling is exhausting! At least when you're a beginner. I even put on more muscle from it, which was also a surprise.
Lonerider -

We should test out your Modern Army Combatives against my Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and see how it turns out. Loser buys! ;)

I'm in San Diego too, training kobudo Japanese martial arts up in Poway. A friend does BJJ and said I'd dig it. If my schedule works out, I'd love to get to your class to give it a try. If I do, I'll let you know!
Lonerider -

We should test out your Modern Army Combatives against my Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and see how it turns out. Loser buys! ;)

I'm in San Diego too, training kobudo Japanese martial arts up in Poway. A friend does BJJ and said I'd dig it. If my schedule works out, I'd love to get to your class to give it a try. If I do, I'll let you know!

Next time I am in the San Diego area I will inform you for purposes of coordination. I definitely think that BJJ is a great groundfighting art in general and obviously useful against an opponent wearing military grade body armor.

I recently had a brief experience with BJJ. And what I came away with was that I can be completely relaxed, and easygoing, and still get a good workout. Rolling is exhausting! At least when you're a beginner. I even put on more muscle from it, which was also a surprise.

I'll agree whole heartedly with you there.

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