Finding Jack Dempseys shoulder swirl que to be better than modern boxings foot twist que?

Towel Snapper

Green Belt
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Maybe his cue for punching is just easier to learn than modern boxing's cue or maybe its a superior way to punch.

I find it odd that old school boxing mechanics are superior to modern mechanics, you would have thought things get better with time. But I am finding otherwise.

Maybe I havnt learnt the foot twist (imagine putting a ciggerette out) cue well enough and have dismissed it before I can fairly compare?

Does anyone have enough experience with both/ in general to be able to answer this question?
I think the longer you box, the more you'll find that everything about boxing has improved - technique wise, anyway. As for Dempsey, I think he developed that foot twist by ducking Harry Grebb for his entire career. :)

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