Fight Club



I have this thing at my school called 'Fight Club'. its basically just barekunckle fighting until one of the fighters says he's had enough. I watch it when there is a fight as a way to see how other guys fight in my school but the problem is that everyone wants me to fight because I do Muay Thai and they know that. I've never said that I could fight but it seems that a lot of people want me to fight the ''champ'' of this fight club. It may seem a little immature about considering fighting in the bareknuckle fight but I don't know how to get everyone to shut their mouths as school or to get out of everyone forcing me to fight.

Do want you want to do and don't let them force you to do anything you don't want to.
Originally posted by tarabos

that should probably be reported to some type of authority actually before one of those kids gets hurt bad.

Yeah, think if you fought and the guy fell over something, broke his arm, got gangreen in it and had to have it amputated. OK, I know, I'm flying to extremes, but what if someone does get seriously hurt, I really don't want that on my conscience. Remeber the saying, " A hero lives but a few moments, a master lives to teach his art". Ancient Chinese secret saying!!
OK it was on a JAckie Chan movie, but it still makes sense.
Just do what you want, don't let anyone tell you or pressure you to do anything in the world. Trust me, you will be happy later in life if you do what YOU want.

Goodness me, I'd itch to be such a contest, though I'd probably lose.

But the thought of expulsion from school/university/work would probably rule out actually participating.

I wouldn't worry about hurting the other guy since he's the champ and probably isn't worried either.

He might beat you though. And hard.

Then your mates will pressure you into a rematch.

If you win however you are totally f***ed as far as staying out of fights in the future is concerned.
If not Tell them Your
Traing for the big Pay day

If theyrealy want U to Fight
U should get paid.
Originally posted by ace

If not Tell them Your
Traing for the big Pay day

If theyrealy want U to Fight
U should get paid.

Is there no other reason to study MA than for fame or money?

guys...i'm no mod...but this really has a lot of potential to turn into another ridiculous flamewar...just keep that in mind, that seems to be the direction it's turning in to me.

i wasn't kidding when i said one of these kids could get seriously hurt. yeah, pro fighters fight bareknuckle and no holds barred...what have you, but they also have plenty of people ready to give them medical attention there in case they need it. if you really wanted a piece of the bare knuckle champ there you should just tell him to come down to your gym and take you on there.
But he's talkin about a Fight
So if he's gonna Fight Y not get Paid.

They Want Him cause he does M.A.
So if they want him Bad enough he
Should Get Paid.

Thats The Bootom line Cause _______________
U fill in the Blanks.
Ace is there a reason you talk like your trying to resemble some sort of prose? Im interested......:asian:
...i don't know about these kids...but i wasn't exactly loaded when i was in high school. and i sure as heck didn't have the money to pay someone to fight me. besides, if he did ask them for money they'd most likely laugh in his face due to the ridiculousness of the request.

that's better off to not bother with stuff like this because even if it isn't you that gets hurt and you're just standing there watching, it's likely you will get into some trouble for it if there's a serious injury.

remember, this stuff probably isn't taking place on mats or anything like that. if the back of someone's head hits the floor hard enough they can wind up dying. it's serious stuff that i think you guys are taking a bit lightly.
Originally posted by ace


It's another word for poetry, if I recall correctly. I think he's talking about the funny way you post

Bck on topic, I think those so called fight clubs are a joke and are a major lawsuit waiting to happen. We had something like that when I was in school but it was'nt as violent. A bunch of us use to go out to the football field after school and sometimes at lunch and just wrestle. It wasn'nt violent, just fun, but sometimes it did get out of hand. One of my favorite games , we called it the Pack Attack, is when four or five people and sometimes more ganged up on one person and we timed it to see how long it took them take him down. I had the record of my group, with 21 minutes, all through my sophmore to senior year.
The one I'm referring to, is quite violent, I means theres all ways a bloody nose or black eyes otherwise if it was just wrestling I wouldn't be too concerned about it but because it's quite serious I kind of worry about it.
i would fight i'm not saying you should infact you shouldn't, i shouldn't but i would anyway if you deicide to, than start at the bottom dont fight the top guy first
I'm sorry, but every single one of those kids in that 'fight club' is a moron.

And their parents are morons.

One of these days, one or more of those kids will get seriously hurt, and the parents will try to put the blame on somebody or something else than their poor supervision.

Originally posted by Cthulhu

I'm sorry, but every single one of those kids in that 'fight club' is a moron.

And their parents are morons.

One of these days, one or more of those kids will get seriously hurt, and the parents will try to put the blame on somebody or something else than their poor supervision.


Damn straight. And you're a moron adrenaline if you get involved.

If it was just sparring with freinds who also do MA or some kind of fighting for fun then I wouldnt mind. But cuz there doing it to be the best in front of a group of people who think the best is the one who comes out with the least bruises. I wouldnt fight even if they asked me too and I had a good chance of winning. I guess its just a new way to win freinds....:shrug:
i would steer away from a thing like this. seems that you would end up in more trouble than it's worth. what if your MT instructor found out about this. you don't want to risk getting kicked from your training do you? i know if one of my students was caught doing this, i would not permit them to attend my classes anymore. it is a disgrace to the arts.