February 2005 - First Belgian Jinenkan-seminar by Mario De Mol, Dojocho


Yellow Belt
Hello everyone!

In February 2004 Mario De Mol passed his sandan test at the Jinenkan Honbu Dojo. He was also granted the privilege of becoming a certified Dojocho. The Kounryusui Dojo in Gent, Belgium, officially became a Jinenkan Dojo that moment.

In February 2005 two things are happening: Mario will be traveling to Japan for two weeks to once again train under the direct guidance of Manaka Sensei, and our dojo celebrates its' one-year anniversary!

We invite you to join us in this celebration by coming to our one-day seminar in Gent on Saturday 19th of February 2005. Mario will have just returned from Japan, so don't miss this opportunity. This will be the first official Jinenkan seminar in the Benelux.

Everybody’s welcome; regardless of rank, experience, or martial art!

More details (cost, topic,...) coming soon - if interested please already mind the date. All questions can be sent to info@jinenkan-gent.be. All new information will be posted here as well.

(For those wishing to attend more classes: we also train on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday evenings).
All details about the seminar are now known!

It will take place in two locations:

- in the morning we will be training in the sportscenter of the University of Ghent (sportshall 4).
There’s no decent link for this facility, but the address is GUSB SPORTSCENTER, WATERSPORTLAAN 3, 9000 GENT. E-mail us if you need directions;

- in the afternoon we’ll be training in the “Flanders Sports Arena” (Topsporthal Gent). Their site is www.topsporthal.be , and the exact address is ZUIDERLAAN 14, 9000 GENT. We’ve reserved the “parketzaal” in the Bloso-sportscenter (yet another name for this facility).

Both venues are situated alongside the Watersportscourse/ Watersportbaan, which is very well-known in Gent. Please mail us if you need directions, or use an online route planner.


The topic for the seminar will be TAIJUTSU.

This includes

a) material from the Jinenkan kyu- and dancurriculum
b) the kihon happo Jinenkan-style
c) taijutsu from several of the ryu-ha that we study.

For those not familiar with Jissen Kobudo Jinenkan this is an ideal introduction.
Others will welcome the training focused on the basics and on the technical side of things.

The seminar fee is 25 euro.

If possible, please pre-register by sending a mail to info@jinenkan-gent.be and paying the correct amount beforehand (paypal: mario.de.mol@pandora.be ; or for those living in Belgium: 979-0776469-86 (Kurt Wullaert)).
Group discounts are available!

Those who turn up without pre-registering are of course still welcome to train along.


10.00-12.00 taijutsu

12.00 noon break

13.00-13.30 testing

13.30-14.55 taijutsu

14.55-15.05 short break/q&a

15.05-16.00 taijutsu

16.00-16.30 short demo + q&a about weapon-training in the Jinenkan (bo, hanbo, iai, biken).

If you’re planning to take a test, please let us know beforehand! Jinenkan-tests take place behind closed doors.
If you’re interested in starting up a Jinenkan-traininggroup under the supervision of our dojo, please contact us directly for more details.

Hotels in Gent: http://www.go2gent.be/GO2vzw.cfm
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Anyone interested in seeing a short interview with Mario for the local televison:


--> "Nieuws"

--> "Maandag"



There are some other items first, but we're on after seven minutes (22.39). Right-click for full-screen options.

Please bear in mind that this will only remain online for one week; until next Monday. I will try to get it on our own site as well though.

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