Favorite MA-ist to watch & why

IcemanSK said:
I met Bolo at a tournament in Vegas in January where he was filming a movie. He's very well built, but he's very short. (I'd say 5'7") Nice guy, tho.

Yup. The only reason why he looked of normal height on the screen, is because he was always going against relatively shorter actors, such as JC Van Damme (5' 8"), etc.

He's still in amazing physical condition, even though he's close to hitting 70 years old these days, and as you said, a really nice fellow. It's just hard to believe seeing him in person like that, when we're used to seeing him mangle Mr. Han's guards with a sadistic smile on "Enter the Dragon," or throwing salt in opponents' eyes in "Bloodsport."

If any of us have even half the conditioning that he does when we hit 70, then we'd have to be quite fortunate indeed!
Grenadier said:
Yup. The only reason why he looked of normal height on the screen, is because he was always going against relatively shorter actors, such as JC Van Damme (5' 8"), etc.

He's still in amazing physical condition, even though he's close to hitting 70 years old these days, and as you said, a really nice fellow. It's just hard to believe seeing him in person like that, when we're used to seeing him mangle Mr. Han's guards with a sadistic smile on "Enter the Dragon," or throwing salt in opponents' eyes in "Bloodsport."

If any of us have even half the conditioning that he does when we hit 70, then we'd have to be quite fortunate indeed!
That guy is 70, WOW!
Van Damme, Bolo Yeoung, Chuck, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and Seagal. Each for their own reasons. Van Damme for the flexibility, Yeoung - big for chinese, Chuck and Bruce - They were pretty much the pioneers, Jet Li- he and Jackie Chans choreographies are amazing. I am a hapkido practitioner so besides Billy Jack Seagal is the closest thing movie wise to watch that is similiar.
Donnie Yen, Collin Chou (Fearless & Matrix), Jet Li (without wires), Gordon Liu (amongst other from Kung Fu theatre)
Bruce Lee ('pioneer' is indeed a good word for him), Jet Li (can play a good guy-Kiss of the Dragon- and a bad guy -Lethal Weapon 4- well), Collin Chou as Seraph in the Matrix movies, and Tony Jaa ('fancy brutality' is a nice definition for him, hoping to see Tom Yum Gong soon, heard it's pretty good).
My favorite movie martial artist is Jet Li, his movements are very graceful and they flow very well. I also like Tony Jaa, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Bruce and Brandon Lee. I also love the Rocky movies, looking forward to the Rocky Balboa.
You know not to sound arrogent or anything but I love to watch my boys especially my 12 year old he is so well rounded and loves his Art.
You know not to sound arrogent or anything but I love to watch my boys especially my 12 year old he is so well rounded and loves his Art.

That's not arrogent, that's a proud Dad! I love to watch my guys learning as well, probably my favorite also. Far from being the best, or even skilled yet, but the enthusiam and openess is refreshing.

As for someone more people would appreciate Hatsumi Sensei is someone I love to watch videos of. He makes everything he does look totally effortless, and is as smooth as can be. Someday if I could be half as effective and half as smooth I would be happy, but I figure that goal is 20 or 30 years away for me right now.

I think we all appreciate someone who is from "our" own style because we can relate more. I do like watching the high kicks in TKD, but don't know if they are executed as they should be; I like watching Tai Chi, but don't understand how the movements are "supposed" to look either.
I used to think Steven Seagal was just a show off in his movies and his Aikido was not good. I had the chance to see on youtube few of his demos and his black belt tests and now I think he is simply GREAT!
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Steven Seagal is cool to watch for his smooth technique
Jet Li for his speed
Jackie Chan and Samo Hung for their flexibility and humor
Ernie Reyes Sr. and Jr. just because.
I'll agree with Belfort, not too long ago he seemed almost unstoppable... And I want to add to that list the Belfort vs Silva fight. Blasted him from one side of the ring to the other...

Mike Tyson, in the early days was incredible to watch... patient stalking and then a flurry, and the other guy is out.

Ali... Everybody has to love seeing Ali's fights :D

Mario Sperry was fun too watch, technical skill and constant attacking where incredible.

Sakuraba puts on a good show. The unorthodox stuff is always good :)

Frank Shamrock, one of the best UFC champions ever. The fight with Tito remains one of the best MMA fights ever IMO.

and of course JOE SON! :D

As far as movies go, Hong Kong stuff. Jet Li's stuff is amazing, Jackie Chan... pre-wires, was also amazing. Jackie just couldn't pull the wires off, I'm a fan of wire-fu, but it just didn't work...

And why aren't all you karate folks naming Sonny Chiba? :D Cheesey, violent greatness there. Plot? umm... no, not really. But that's ok.

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