Happy New Year to all! New Years is often a time of reflection on the past. While in such a reflective mood, I was reading the old thread about the title "Grandmaster" and how it has become much overused. Similarly we see otherwise good martial artists going for all kinds of inflated ranks, fancy certificates, and over-the-top uniforms. The last is the most embarrassing. Thank goodness the influence of competitive sports such as BJJ, MMA, and so on, have given a little more cred to simple trunks and sweats for training... but even these arts can go over the top. Ever see an out of shape wannabe parade around in billowy, embroidered silk Muay Thai trunks and you know what I'm talking about! No art is immune. Having had to wear various forms of ridiculous attire over the years myself, I'm not preaching here. More like commiserating. So I thought I'd kick this thread off with a couple of random images....
Kung fu Uniform:
And good old Japanese Karate Gis:
What was also disturbing was that the pajama models were in better shape than most of the martial artists I know.
Ok, now for some Kempo Uniforms:
Or perhaps this?
OK, I'm done for now. Your turn.
Kung fu Uniform:

And good old Japanese Karate Gis:

What was also disturbing was that the pajama models were in better shape than most of the martial artists I know.
Ok, now for some Kempo Uniforms:

Or perhaps this?

OK, I'm done for now. Your turn.