Fan Beaten After Game


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member

A Giants fan who was brutally beaten on opening day at Dodger Stadium is opening his eyes but remains in critical condition at San Francisco General Hospital, the medical center's chief neurosurgeon said Wednesday.

Bryan Stow has been weaned off one of five anti-seizure medications since arriving Monday from a Los Angeles hospital where he had been in a coma after being attacked in March, Dr. Geoff Manley said. Stow's brain also did not show any seizure activity during 30 hours of continuous monitoring in the hospital's intensive care unit.

Yup, it takes a real big man to beat someone into a coma, all because of how they're dressed. I hope this guy survives, and that his scumbag attackers get caught and set up the river. Maybe someone will beat the **** out of them in prison, so they'll know what its like.
I hope the scum who beat this man this way are convicted of attempted murder and do the absolute maximum sentence for that crime! I would also like to see any one who harbored or assisted them in leaving the seen knowingly convicted of the same crimes as accessory's.
I do not live in California. but in my state, that would be a minumum of 20 years before elegible for parole as I understand it. and if he dies... 25 to life, and given the way things were, possible capital crime.... though they have only executed 2 since the death penalty was reastablished. ( looks like perhaps 3 by end of summer. )